Just a Friend? (Angst)

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Eliza Hamilton stared at her husband from the doorway of his office, carefully observing his reactions to whatever he was doing on his computer with a somber expression. She had been standing there for around an hour, carefully watching her husband's face as she waited for him to notice her. In the hour that she'd been watching him one expression remained the same: Love. She could see it in his eyes, she could tell that he was helplessly in love with whoever was on the other side of his screen. It hurt her to see her husband so happy, happy because of someone else, but she knew there was nothing she could do. All she could do was watch as her husband slowly drifted further and further away from her until their eventual depart. Elizabeth knew that it was cruel to force herself to witness how happy her husband was with another, but she couldn't look away. It was like staring at a train wreck, a horrifically happy and in-love train wreck. With a quiet sigh that went unnoticed by her husband's ears, she moved from where she had been leaning for the past hour and stepped into the office, yet still, her husband failed to notice her.

She felt her heart break even further at this. She was in plain sight yet he still didn't notice her. Feeling her eyes beginning to water she walked further into the office, determined to at least know the name of the lucky person who had captured the heart of her husband. She wiped her tears as she walked behind her husband, still unnoticed. She observed the screen and looked for what her husband was so in love with. Eliza let out a small gasp of realization when she saw the picture in the top left of the computer screen, revealing herself to her husband, who spun around quickly in his chair, staring up at his wife with guilt evident on his face, killing off his lovesick smile. In the corner of the screen was a picture of Alexander Hamilton's best friend, John Laurens. Eliza hardly noticed that her husband's attention was on her, instead, she was focused on that photo of John Laurens. He was older than Alexander by a bit and was undeniably beautiful. More so than herself, Eliza realized as she compared herself to the man in the picture.

"H-how... How long have you been there?" Alexander broke the silence, his voice wavering with guilt as he saw the pained expression that overtook Eliza's usual cheery smile. He loved her, he truly did, just not romantically. Eliza offered a sad smile in response before she asked a simple question.

"Alexander, is he really just, a friend?" Her tone was so lifeless and emotionless, so different from the cheer-filled sing-songy voice she usually spoke with. Alex bowed his head in response to her question, answering it without a single word. The action, as simple as it was, pushed Eliza's emotions over the edge. Tears began streaming down her face, big fat droplets of the salty water splashing against her shirt and hands. Yet still, she managed to smile. Still crying, she attempted to say a sentence cheerfully.

"I... I hope y-you're hap-happy together..." She wiped her eyes uselessly, seeing as more tears just replaced the tears which she had wiped away and smiled as warmly as she could at her husband as he looked up at her with shock.

"You're not mad at me?" He questioned, unbelieving that Eliza could just so willingly accept what he had done.

Eliza shook her head and sadly explained: "I could never hate you or be angry with you, I love you too much." She smiled sadly at the ground before continuing with a heavy sigh, "Which is why I'm not going to hold you back. I love you too much to keep you to myself when it's obvious that your heart yearns for another. I'm going to go pack my belongings, you can have the house..." Without giving Alexander time to respond, she left the office, leaving her husband in shock and herself in heartbreak.

As she left the office she bitterly mumbled something to herself. "Angelica was right... He will never be satisfied..."

//716 Words
I got the idea for this from an angst prompt I found on Tumblr because I have no creativity.

Also also also also also
This book reached 150+ views!!!?!?!!!!!!
Thank you so much! I honestly never expected it to even get past 20 views, so I'm shooketh-

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