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So, apparently this got a lot of reads in the time that I was gone???

Either way, I'm discontinuing this book. I've recently fallen out of the Hamilton fandom. I still like the music, it will forever be the musical that made me want to do theater and the gateway musical that opened my eyes to the world of musicals, I'm just not that into it anymore.

I realized this when I was reading fanfiction and I just wasn't interested. It wasn't just one either, some of my favorite fanfictions just weren't interesting me and they couldn't hold my attention. And it's not just reading either, I've lost all of my energy and will to write one shots.

I'm sorry to anyone who might've enjoyed my Hamilton one shots (if there was anyone), but I just can't write for this fandom anymore.

If there's anyone who enjoys my writing (why?) and would want to read other works of mine, I might be starting a new one shots book for a game I've been really invested in lately, Food Fantasy. To anyone who hasn't heard of it, it's this amazing game where you fight with food personified as humans. The characters, art, music, game, and storyline as well are all amazing and beautiful. I really suggest playing it and getting as addicted as I am :).

Well, Bye

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