[1 - Kenny McCormick]

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"Ugh!" I yelled out and held my jaw, and looked over to see Professor Chaos standing tall, glaring at me. He just fucking punched me.

"Cmon Mysterion, one Night Of Chaos wont be too bad." He cooed, and I quickly started to go after him.

We both got in good hits, and he had really improved from the last time I fought him. He got in hard enough hits to bust my lip. However I was also able to punch him in the eye, only for him to hit me with his fucking hammer.

He somehow was able to get me on my back and he roughly stomped his boot on my chest,"Mysterion, why don't you just give me one night, hm? That's all I ask." He laughed,"Nothing Too Bad can happen in one night!"

"Fuck you." I growled and grabbed his leg, and was able to quickly pull him down to the ground. He yelped when he hit the ground with a thud. I quickly got on him and started to hit his chest and pound on him. Seriously, this guy was getting ridiculous.

When I stopped he was coughing, trying to breathe. Fuck, did I break something too bad? Oh well.




That fucker hit me right across my head with his hammer! I could feel blood trickle down my head. I looked over to see him standing up and spitting out bits of blood.

"I'll be back Mysterion. And I will get my night of Chaos." He spat at me before walking off, and I slowly got up.

I quickly moved to the ledge of the building and looked down from the roof, looking over the Streets of South Park. He was fucking gone. Ugh. I hate that guy. My eyes continued to scan around as the cold breeze hit my body with force. I closed my eyes and growled to myself. Fuck that's cold. This is why I liked my Parka so much...

I paused before making my way across the roofs. I think it's safe to say I can call it a night. Hey, at least he didn't kill me this time.

Oh yeah. What's up? I'm Kenny. I'm in my Senior year of high school, and I have one hell of a job. I'm Mysterion, protector of South Park. I do what I can. I've been doing this since I really even could. I take what I do seriously. This place is all sorts of fucked up. At least the Police Department works stuff out with me and I get payment when I do stuff. That was a shock when that happened.

But I usually use that money on my Sister.

But, Sadly, I'm not the only one who really takes their job seriously. Fatass Coon is still doing it now and again. I don't see him do much anymore, though. But my main problem is Professor Chaos. This guy has been on my ass since day one. I've been trying to figure out who the hell he is since then, too. I'll give him one thing, he's good at hiding who is. Like me, I guess.

Slowly I made my way down to my home, and slid back inside.

When I was in, I took off my uniform and put it back on my rack before looking at the damage this time.

Busted lip, some bruises and my head is bleeding where the hammer hit. I frowned and grabbed my wet rag and cleaned that up. At least I was able to get him more fucked up.

When I was done I reached over and slid my piercings back in. In case you were wondering, snakebites. I slid my tongue along them to make sure they were in place before trotting back to bed and slamming my body down on it with a thud and a groan. If I fall asleep now, I can get about three hours of sleep... sounds good to meeee.


When I walked into school, I tugged on the strings to my Parka to pull the good tighter. Really all you could see was my nose, eyes and brows. And maybe my hair.

I walked down to my locker and grabbed my notebook and pencil before closing it. If we ever learn anything here, it's barely anything. So I just need one notebook. When I closed my locker I looked over to see Leo, or Butters at his. I smile and walk over,"Hey, Butters!" I chirp behind the fabric."

He jumped and turned to me, and I blinked. Holy shit. He had a really bad black eye.

"Hey Ken." He smiled slightly, and grabbed his things.

"The fuck happened?"

"Ah, I got beat up again." He wheezed out a laugh and held his chest,"Ow... Oh Hamburgers it hurts to laugh too..."

I frowned and looked at him,"You need to tell me who these fuckers are that beat you up all the time. I wanna talk." I pounded my fist in my palm.

He shook his head,"K-Kenny, I told you before, I don't want you to deal with my problems." He paused before pulling out an eyepatch out of his pocket and sliding it over his eye. He turned to me and smiled,"And you have your share of problems, busted lip."

"How'd you know?" I sighed and pulled down my hood and the fabric over my mouth.

"You were talking like you do with a Busted lip. All slow cause you don't want it scraping on the fabric." He smirked, and I rolled my eyes. He was right. Like usual.

Yknow, I always feel bad for Leo. He's been bullied since as long as I remember, probably before that too. His parents are dicks, and he doesn't have many friends as far as I know. Maybe that's why I astray myself with him. I left Eric's group a while ago. I kept dying with them. At some point I was kind of over it. But doing that left me with not many friends. That didn't really matter though.

But I think Leo needs to have more than me anyway. That kid is nothing but sunshine and rainbows. He deserves it.

"Hey, Ill walk with you to class." I proposed, and he nodded.


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