[10 - Kenny McCormick]

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It had been days since that incident. I've been a mess.  So has Karen.

I didn't tell her everything, obviously, but I told her that something happened and we weren't friends anymore. That we could never see him again.

And in all of my years I've never seen her so... heartbroken.

I've caught glimpses of him. At school. But never in full view. It's almost like my vision purposefully blurs him out, and I think he does the same with me.

I know if I pursue him, he'll run.

He was always really good at that..

My emotions are so confusing. At that moment I was desperate, the reason is still unknown to even me. Now I'm angry, upset, sad, worried, confused and so much more in a single package. I don't know if I loathe him or... something else. I really don't know.

I hate him, but I don't hate HIM.

I don't hate the person I know he is. Who I know he can be.

I just hate who he is. Or rather, decided to be.

I know he can be sweet and compassionate, I know it. I know it.

I have to do something before school ends in a few months. I don't want to lose this kid. He was the only nice and sweet boy in this fucked up fucking town. I'm not losing him. Not when I was so close to him before. I'm not losing another friend.

Wait, I have an Idea...


Knock knock knock...

"Mr.Mackey?" I poked my head into his office, and the older man caught my gaze.

"Oh, Mr.McCormick, what brings you here?" He folded his hands and I closed the door behind me as I sat down across from him.

"I wanted to talk to you uh, about Leo--Butters?" My leg bounced and my heart started to pound. God, please work, please work...

"Oh, uh what about him?" He looked confused.

"I'm worried about his Mental health, Mr.Mackey." My leg bounced faster,"A-And other concerns.."

"Um... Mkay, uh.. Why do you have these concerns?" He pulled out a notebook and pen and started to scribble things down.

"I've noticed a change in him recently... uh..." I bit my lip,"He's been.. down lately? He's almost in a trance constantly, and um... He's overall got a grey cloud over his head. He's not bubbly like he usually is, Mr.Mackey."

"Mmmkay, so you're saying he might be depressed?" He raised a brow at me.

"Um.. Yeah pretty much. He uh, as far as I know, is crashing somewhere because he uh... ran away from home after being kicked out."

"What? Why would that be?"

"He was being abused at home, sir." I let the words flow out of my mouth at this point, I just couldn't close my fucking mouth,"His dad was.. not the best. He would abuse him because of the smallest things. Maybe a month ago his father bashed him with a lamp, and ended up cutting him up. And Then threw him out because he had a Crush on a boy. Mr.Mackey, I've also seen scars on Leopold. Self harm burns and maybe even cuts. You need to help him Mr.Mackey, he's not okay. He needs help a-and supervision."

"I... Mkay." He nodded and rested his chin on his folded hands. He paused and I just felt pure anxiety. I wanted this plan to work so bad, so so bad.

"Mr.Mackey?" He looked up at me and leaned forward,"Is there um.. Anything I can do to help him more? He's my friend and I don't want to lose him, sir."

He stared at me for a moment and nodded, before putting his hands down and looking at me,"Mkay, so, I have an idea. How would you feel of watching about watching over Butters while at school, Mkay? I can try and make arrangements for outside of school, but this could do for now."

"A-Absolutely!" I nodded. Yes, I sealed the deal. He won't be able to ignore me now.

"Stay here, mkay?" He put his pen down and started to dial the phone. Oh god damnit.. "Hello This is Mr.Mackey... Yes can I have Leopold Stotch come to my office Please? ...Okay, thank you."

Okay, here we go.

A few minutes later, there was a soft knock at the door, and as soon as the final knock ended, there he was, standing in the doorway.

He looked so tired...

His eyes were as red as cherries and the bags under his eyes were as heavy as a million earths. His arms hung at his sides lazily, and his shoulders dropped from his usual nervous or proper positioned. His hair wasn't combed, it just looked like he rolled out of bed after crying himself to sleep for a week straight.

When his soft eyes looked up so see me, they widened and he froze.

My heart almost broke. His eyes were just dead.

He cautiously sat next to me and I bit my lip, my head turned away from him, and from the corner of my eye I could see Mr.Mackey eying us down.

"Mkay, so Butters Kenny here has told me what's going on with you. About your issues with family and mental health as of late." He pulled out a form from inside his desk and slid it to Leo with a Pen after filling in a few blanks,"This is a form for you to have Mr.McCormick here as a student chaperone Mkay? And he will have contact with you and the school nurse if anything should happen on Campus, Mkay? If you sign this, he will be your student chaperone until the end of the year... Mkay."

I've heard of these "Student Chaperones" before. Our school added these after one of the kids committed suicide on school grounds in front of a group of other students. That was maybe five years ago, I think. I'm pretty sure they only assign them to serious cases now.

Leo looked at the paper, skimming through it. He spoke hoarsely, his voice rough and chiseled,"Why would I want that?"

"I think that it would be best, mkay? Mr.McCormick here has shown considerable worry for your health. And to make sure you're okay, I am willing to let him look over you, Mkay? It's just for a few months, Mkay? And only on School Campus. During school hours, Mkay? We are just concerned for our students."

Leo let out a sigh and looked at me, almost studying me. I looked back at him almost pleadingly,"Leo, please. I just want to help."

He paused, before looking down and shakily reaching out and signing the paper, then slowly sliding it to me. I could feel a soft smile appear on my lips as I quickly signed the paper. When I was Done, Mr.Mackey took it and nodded,"You can go now, you two. It starts tomorrow, Mkay? But if you'd like, you can start today, Mkay?"

"Yessir." I said and followed Leo out of the room. We were both silent as we walked down the hall. You could just only hear the echo of our shoes tapping the tiles of the floor.

Suddenly he stopped, and so did I. We stood in silence for a moment before he spoke softly,"Why?"

I stood silent.

"Why did you go to him?" He looked up at me,"I was f-fine on m-my own."

I frowned and looked down.

He went on,"Why?" He grabbed the sleeved of my jacket as tight as he could, but it was so weak,"I was fine o-on my own. A-Are you trying to g-get close to me again? T-To take me in to the police? To b-betray me? Huh?" He tried to shake me,"Huh?"

I Still didn't say anything.

He soon started to break,"Why are you doing th-this, huh? Huh?" His grip loosened and he slid into my chest and started to cry, letting out a muffled,"I hate you." as I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him into a hug, gently petting his hair, letting him cry.

He's so Broken..

Even if I was angry at him, Even if i was as upset as I was, I couldn't bring myself to do anything to hurt him...

I Continued to soothe him as he cried, just letting him do what he needed to do. Eventually he stopped and pulled away, looking at the ground. I wanted to say something, I did, but I couldn't. My body and mind wouldn't let me.

I didn't do anything, but I know what I Really wanted to do.

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