[15 - Kenny McCormick]

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"Dude, what's up?"

"Why the hell haven't you been at school dude?"

"Oh, dude I've had these Monster headaches. It's so weird."

"What? Really?"

"Yeah, Like — Kenny dude I had this one hella whack ass dream a while back that Stan, Cartman and I kicked Mysterion's ass. It's hella weird."

"Uh... Th—That is weird."

"Yeah and Then like I guess I had a nightmare or somethin after cause I woke up on the floor with some bruises from falling off my bed bro."

"Have you had any dreams like that since?"

"Nah—Wait why do you ask?"

"Oh, uh... I'm studying that kind of stuff with Butters. O-On our free time."

"Ohhhh, didn't you become his SC?"


"What are you his Boyfriend too?"

"What? No."

"Ya sure?"

"Yes I'm sure—Look we're getting very off topic here."

"Kenny, chill it was a joke haha. Anyway, I gotta go. I gotta get ready for school. Prom is coming up bro."

"Oh. Yeah. I guess?"

"What? You're not going?"

"I mean... I don't know. I'd have to find a sitter for Karen and—"

"Dude What is she? A preteen or somethin? She can take care of herself."

"I... I guess..."

"Dude, Kenny, you worry too much. Just let Karen stay home and go to Prom with Butters or something."

"Wha—? We. Aren't. Dating!"

"Suuuuure, sure. See ya dude."

I half angrily ended the call and sighed, rubbing my face and falling back onto the bed. I called all three of them. They said the exact same thing. They never mentioned that one thing though. It's weird.


I turned my head to see my phone light up from a text. Leo.

LEO 🦁: Did you call them all?

I felt a small smile raise my lips. That little Lion emoji always made me feel a little bit better.

Me: Yeah. They all said the same thing. Headache and thinking it was a dream.

Leo 🦁: That's Odd. You'd think at least Kyle would remember.

Me: I guess not.
Me: Any Ideas?

Leo 🦁: Nothing. We'll talk more about it tomorrow at Lunch.

Me: K.

I sighed and looked beside me to See Karen sleeping soundly on my pec. What am I? Everyone's personal body pillow? Sheesh.

I gently nudge and Poke at her face,"Karennnn, Kaaaaarennnnn~"

"Mmmmmhuwanhhhhnhnhnnnn" she groaned and mumbled.

"You have a perfectly good bed in your room." I chuckled.

She then mumbled something along the lines of "Make me leave you pubescent Sponge" and I chuckled. Challenge accepted.

Grabbing her by the legs I slowly pulled her off my bed and started to drag her back to her room. She clawed and grabbed at the follicles of the carpet,"Noooooo! Noooooooo!" She repeated over and over.

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