[4- Leopold Stotch]

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"So, this is my room." Kenny walked in behind me as we walked into his room," Or our room, for now."

"It's a real upgrade from your last one, Ken." I smiled, looking at him,"No holes in the walls!"

He chuckled,"Heh, yeah." Ken walked to his bed and sat down, and patted the bed beside him. I hesitantly sat beside him, and he started to talk,"So... what happened?"

"Well..." I sighed and looked down,"Well I went home, and well... We-Well I came home to my Dad all irri-irritated already... And well... He st-started complaining about... about how I don't have a girlfriend or anything."

"Oh my god, he did not kick you out just because you were single." Ken looked at me and I jumped, shaking my head.

"Oh no! I-I uh... well... kinda, yeah..."

"I'm gonna beat the shit out of your dad." He growled,"But continue?"

"Well... well I told him... I told him about my crush. Problem is, is that it was on a guy." I sighed,"He went berserk. He called me 'fag' and all that, and the lamp thing did happen." I lifted up my sleeve to show a gash in my arm where the ceramics of the lamp had cut me.

"Jesus, Leo! That's not good!" He yelled and grabbed my arm, inspecting it,"Why didn't you show me sooner? It could be infected, or worse!"

"I didn't want to bother you." I laughed as I rubbed my neck.

"You need to come to me about these things." He sighed and went to his night stand and started to pull out some medical supplies.

"Well... Y-You're my only friend... I don't want to bother you so much that you'll leave." I looked down and played with my fingers.

There was a pause between us before he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight,"I wouldn't do that to you, Leo."

My heart practically jumped and I gently hugged back, and snuggled into his neck,"Thanks Ken, that means a lot."

"Let's get ya fixed up." He hummed and started to get my arm prepped for bandages.

We stayed quiet as he fixed up my arm. I didn't know what to say, and I'm guessing he didn't really either. We just stayed quiet and I didn't mind it, if I'm honest.

It was a nice quiet. Ken had such a warm aura around him in just that moment. It was like a mutual bliss.

When he was done he put the stuff away and I looked back at his bed. It wasn't too big or too small. I'm not too familiar in bed sizes but he must have saved up some money for this place compared to his last home. That dump that he was forced to live in.

Honestly, I think their whole situation could have been avoided if his parents would have just split in the first place. There were rumors a long time ago that it was even a pedo relationship or something, I don't remember. Either way, they should have just split. But... Well what do I know about love? I haven't really loved anybody, so I can't really say anything, can I?

"Soooo, sleeping arrangements." Kenny made some pops with his mouth,"Uhhhh how about we share the bed? That's okay, right?"

"Oh! Yeah! That's fine." I nodded and slowly moved towards a side of the bed,"I'll try and not get in your area."

"Oh nah, it's chill. I don't care if you lay on me dude." He shrugged and sat beside me.

"W-Well then expect to end up my pillow." I laughed softly and laid down on his bed.

"Oh hell yeah." He jokes and I laughed again. He switched the light off and laid next to me. When I looked over he patted his chest,"Well, are ya gonna use me or not?"

I rolled my eyes and rested my head against the side of his pec. Hamburgers, he was a hard chested guy! But also comfy?

My mind paused when I started to listen to the rhythm of his heart and breathing as the coincided, making almost a soft melody. My eyes closed as I tried to follow his patters as a sort of calming technique. We've done this so much it's now just like a go-to thing.

You'd think that this would be counterproductive. Mainly because right now I'm laying on He hard pecs and abs of my crush that got me kicked out my house who's letting me sleep on his bed with him, but no. He's become a really big crutch to me. He's a big hard marshmallow man.

When I opened my eyes for a minute I looked up to see Ken leaning over my face. I blinked,"Is there something there?"

"Oh! No, no, I thought you were asleep. You're very convincing." He shifted and pulled the blankets up.

"Heh, thanks." I chuckled in my head. Most of what I do is acting. Almost everything in my life is this act. A facade.

There are only two things that are real for me.

Professor Chaos,

And these two McCormicks.


AN: Hi! Sorry this took forever to get out!
I've been so busy with school, finals are soon and I've been trying to cram in some last minute stuff. But anyway, I hope you enjoyed this short chapter! Again, sorry for the delay. It'll be like that for a while but once summer hits it'll be more frequent!

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