[8 - Kenny McCormick + Leopold Stotch]

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Around 5:30 PM was when we left the Apartment to go help Leo set up his shop. Karen ended up tagging along, at least for a little bit because she begged. I know about an hour later she'll want to go home, so I brought the spare key.

When we got there, I was almost impressed. He got a lot done from the last time I saw it. The exterior was stable and for the Most part finished, and to say the least and the inside was clean. All we really had to do was paint and help him decorate. Well, that's to put it simply anyway.

Leo unlocked the front door and pointed to the buckets of paint and Brushes,"This is for the interior Walls. K-Karen do you think you can do that?"

"Of course Leo~!" She chirped and Grabbed a bucket and a couple brushes before running to the nearest wall.

"We need to start setting up the interior. F-Furniture and Stuff. N-None of it is gonna touch the wall s-so we should be okay." He looked at me,"Think you can help?"

"You kidding? I say I need to exercise more, so this should make up for it." I chuckled.

"Great!" He waved for me to follow him and he motioned to a back room with all of the shelves and large tables in it. They looked sturdy and heavy, it was made of pretty thick and hard wood.


"I can't believe I have to lift all of this for your weak butt." I said jokingly, and Leo's head whipped over to me.

"Weak butt?" He gave a playfully evil smile and walked to a table. To my shock, and slight horror, he picked the table up with ease and held it almost on his shoulder,"I need you to move them and help me make sure they're even, d-dummy."

"Oh. Worm." I nodded.

Fucking CHRIST this kid is full of surprises.

At around 10pm, we had finished moving the furniture and we had all pitched in at painting. So really it was just dry and stock later. Karen was laying on the floor, outstretched and sweating like she was in a marathon. I at some point took off my shirt and was leaning against a table. Leo was standing by the front door, amazed at it all.

"Did we do good, boss?" I chuckled.

"Wonderfully. Th-Thank you so much." He grinned and rubbed his neck,"You two can go home if you want, I-I got some stuff I can take care of on my own."

"Are you sure Leo? It's pretty late."

He just chuckled and nodded,"I'll be fine. Go home, take a shower and head on to bed."

"Okay Mom." I snickered and picked up Karen, heaving her over my shoulder and let her make her groans of tiredness.

"Bye Leooooo~" Karen dragged out Tiredly and waved weakly, smiling slyly.

"Bye You two!" He waved back and we were gone.

[Switch - Leopold Stotch]

As soon as they left, and for sure gone, I let out a large sigh that I had been holding in my lungs. I needed to go into my lab.

I walked behind the counter and lifted up a hidden hatch. I crawled inside and closed it behind me, and walked down the steps.

At the Bottom of the Steps was a metal hallway. Something that you'd sort of see in a sci-fi movie. It was about a foot of Titanium. With a couple layers of Chromium and Tungsten to add to it. Basically a bomb bunker. Seriously.

At the end of the hallway was a platform. I walked to the panel on the platform and inserted my passcode, and hand scan. After verified the railing on the platform raised and it zipped down into the earth's crust.

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