[16 - Leopold Stotch]

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"Jeez, really?" I mumbled to Ken. We were sitting next to a sleeping Karen, and he told me what happened. I looked down and wrote down a few more notes.

"What's that?" He put his head on my shoulder, looking at my notepad.

"I'm writing down everything about this thing that we know. So far it's not much."

"I could have told you that." He murmured and sighed.

We sat in silence for a moment, and I looked over my notes. The soft inhale and exhale of Karen's dream-filled breath making a soft rhythm that only worsened the silence between us. There were still so many questions between us. I had many of my own. What was I going to do about this thing roaming around? What even is the relationship that Ken and I have? Why is that thing going after Karen?

Am I still going to be a villain?

That one has plagued me for a while. Now that I know who Ken is, a part of me just can't... hurt him. I don't want to disappoint him. But at the same time I don't think I can really change.

"How are you?"

"Huh?" Ken suddenly looked at me, confused.

"How are you?" I repeated.

"Where did that come from?" He chuckled.

"Well, since you're my SC, you've only been asking me how I've been. So... How are you?" I looked up at him, and we looked each other in the eyes. He stared at me for a moment, and I stared right back.

"I mean... If I'm honest, not great." He chuckled,"But... what am I supposed to do about it? Everything that's wrong is out of my control. I'm fucking useless to do anything."

"You're wrong." I turned my whole body to face him,"You can do something. Be strong. If not for yourself, but for Karen. She needs you, Ken. Your parents are shit and your brother left you. You're all she has right now. You may need to loosen your leash on her, but the best thing for both of you right now is to be her rock. Not emotionless but someone who she can talk to and relate to in them."

He paused, looking at Karen and playing with her braids,"Heh.. You should take your own advice, y'know."


"Well, you don't have to pretend like nothing bothers you. You can talk to me."

"...We can talk about me later, Ken. Don't you dare try and get out of this. YOU Need to realize how stupid you are sometimes about your emotions."

"Well, my emotions don't matter when you're as forgettable as I am." He leaned back in the chair,"When we were younger, I was gone for... I don't know how long, from Stan and them? They didn't even notice. 'Cause you or someone else was there." He looked at me,"I don't mean to sound like I'm blaming you or anything."


"And.. fuck how many times have I died?" He laughed softly,"And nobody cared. Nobody even fucking remembers." He sighed and covered his face, and I jumped when I heard him hic.

Suddenly, I grabbed him and hugged him tightly, holding onto him and gently playing with his hair,"I'm sorry, Ken.."

Slowly, his hands reached up, and he hugged me back, making me jump a little bit. His head nestled into my neck, and I could feel his stubble tickle my neck. He leaned into me and I paused before rubbing his back as he started to cry into my shoulder. I don't know how long we stayed like that, but all I knew is that I didn't mind. Ken really didn't have anyone since I decided to hide. When he pulled away, he chuckled softly, wiping away tears,"Ah.. sorry, Leo. I got your shirt wet."

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