[12 - Kenny McCormick]

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God, My head hurts.

My eyes slowly open but quickly close again from the bright lights. Too bright, too bright....

I shudder from the cold and hesitantly sit up. My eyes adjust and I see metal everywhere. It's familiar... I've been here before... I recognize it all. Why am I here?

My eyes wander left and right and it's slowly coming back. The fight, The boys, everything.

"I would suggest you lay down, Ken."

My head whipped around to see Leo pouring a cup of tea. I looked down to see myself covered in bandages and stripped down to my boxers. I looked back at him,"You got me?"

"Well, I guess you could say that." He nodded and handed me the cup he had poured,"Here, drink that."

"I... thank you, Leo." I smiled slightly and slowly drank from the small cup.

"Hm... You're lucky I still slightly like you. Especially after that stunt you pulled, McCormick." He growled and I frowned.

"I'm sorry about that Leo, I... I fucked up, I know." I sighed,"Thank you, for helping me out, I mean."

"Yeah, Yeah. I hate that you're weakness." He stood up and walked to the table that I didn't notice before. It was full of herbs, lotions, pastes, bandages and a small bowl of water with a towel in it. The water was red, probably my blood to be honest.

"Why did you get me? You could have easily left me, though."

He paused before starting to clean up the table,"As... As much as I hate you, some feelings I had for you remain. I couldn't leave you to die." He turned to me and leaned against the table, crossing his arms, staring me down.

My eyes wandered to the floor and I ruffled my hair,"I don't expect you to forgive me. Just... please believe me when I say that all I want is to make sure you're okay. That's why I went to Mr.Mackey. You looked horrible, Leo."

"I was fine—"

"No, you weren't. And I wasn't either." I shook my head and set the cup to the side,"That's why I wanted to be your Student Chaperone. So I could make sure you got better to the best of my ability. And... I fucked up." I rubbed my face,"I'm so, so sorry."

He paused. It fell silent and I stared at my hands, balling them into fists out of nervousness. Then, he let out a soft,"I forgive you."


"I forgive you." His hands dropped to the side,"I got too carried away, I was scared. Im sorry too."

"No, it's all my fault."

"No, it's not. You did nothing but try to help, but I was too scared to let you... to let anyone."

"Leo..." I tried to step off and walk to him, but my legs gave out and he quickly caught me, and slowly let me down on the ground. He sat across from me.

"Wait a while, your legs need to adjust again."

"Heh, Okay." I nodded.

"What the hell got you?" Leo questioned suddenly,"You were beat to shit."

"This... this... guy. Or... girl? I don't know. This thing, it was controlling Eric, Stan and Kyle. It... drained me." I rubbed my head.

"Drained you? What did they look like?" He furrowed his eyebrows together.

"Well... it's hazy. It was like they WERE the darkness... they... had a cloak and had these... toxic... green eyes..." I frowned.

Leo suddenly froze halfway through my description and started to bite his knuckles,"Oh dear.... oh dear oh dear...."

"What?" I blinked.

"This sound like... no, it couldn't be." He bit his knuckles harder.

"What do you mean??? Who?" I blinked,"Do you have something to do with him?"

"What? No! I've seen them, but I thought they were only in my imagination..." he rubbed his face,"It... was terrifying... it... it tried to choke me." He pulled down his turtleneck to show the same bruises I had. He put the cloth back,"If I didn't have my Robot here, I would have died. I don't even know how he got in—it should be impossible! The elevator down only allows me entry, and soon you. There's no way he could have gotten down here."

"What the hell... agh!" I quickly held my head from the sudden headache I was getting. More was coming back to me. Oh my god.. wait... they knew what Karen looked like! And if they were able to get down here of all places, then...

"Leo, I need to go home!!" I suddenly blurted.

"Huh? Why? You need rest—"

"You don't understand! When they drained me, they tried to get what was most important to me. They only got your name from me, but they knew what Karen looked like! Who knows if they got her already! I have to go!"

"Oh my god." He said quickly and got up, as I struggled to get on my feet. He suddenly came back with a set of clothes, my keys that were in my suit, and a wheelchair,"It's only temporary."

"What about my—"

"I'm making you a new suit. That ones trash." He said suddenly,"Hurry up."

I nodded and got dressed, before he helped me get into the chair. When I was situated, he moved me over to the elevator platform and put his hand on a slab, and it took us up quickly.


When we made it to my apartment, I fiddled with my keys and finally unlocked the door, pushing it open. I pushed myself in and started to yell,"Karen?! Karen!"


A wave of relief suddenly flooded over me, at least she was okay.

"Kenny—! Oh my god, Kenny!" She quickly ran up to me,"What happened?!"

"I got beat up." I laughed softly and gently pet her head,"How Long was I gone?"

"A whole day! I was worried, I—Butters?" She turned with me to see Leo awkwardly leaning against the wall, and he waved awkwardly. Karen suddenly smiled and ran to him,"Leo!" She hugged him tightly and buried her face in his shirt,"I thought I'd never see you again!"

"Ahaha... me either.." he laughed awkwardly,"You're lucky your brother and you are my weakness."

She pulled away and tears were streaming down her face,"Please don't leave us again! We were worried sick! Please!"

Leo stood there, eyes wide, and looked at her, then me. I frowned slightly.

I reached out and gently held Karen's shoulder, making her look at me,"Karen, that's a lot to ask of him right now. I did something bad to him, we can't force him to stay with us again after what I did."

"B-But... Kenny.." she whined.

"I know, but he needs to take his time." She suddenly hugged me and I looked at Leo, who was just looking at us. He caught my gaze and almost melted from it.

"I... I'll think about it." He rubbed his face, his fingers focusing on the bags under his eyes,"But... I guess... I guess I can let you visit my flower shop."

"Really?" Karen looked at him, he nodded.


"Thank you, Leopold." I smiled at him slightly, and he quickly looked away.

"I should get going now, um... I'll see you tomorrow, Ken."

"Yeah, um... see ya."

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