[5 - Kenny McCormick]

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I don't know how long we actually did lay there for, but I know I was waiting for Leo to fall asleep. It was around midnight when I was sure he was asleep. Yknow, he's like a puppy when he sleeps. He just lays down, breathes softly and will lean into your hand if you pet him. Sometimes they'll snuggle into you and you'll scream internally for about five minutes cause, damn that shit cute.

I looked at the clock and paused before slowly moving away from him, and placed a pillow in my place. A snuck to my closet, grabbed the box with my clothes and walked out of the room and to the bathroom. I couldn't change in there, just in case he woke up. That would freak both of us out.

After I had tiptoed into the bathroom, I quickly started to change into my "uniform" and took out my piercings. After all of that, I stored away the box and opened the window in the bathroom. I hurled myself up and grabbed onto the balcony above before making it onto the roof and starting to make my way down to my target.

I said I was gonna beat his dad up, and now I'm gonna.

The closer I got to his house, the more pissed off I started to get. How dare this possessive, manipulative, sewage eating, dick sucking, piss drinking, cock fucking sewer rat hurt my Leo?! What gave him the fucking right?!

When I made it to his house I lowered myself to the open window, which was in Leo's room. I jumped inside and leaned against the wall, hearing his parents talk. Well, more of his dad yelling and Mom saying fillers or soft replies back.

"Can you believe this?! My son! Liking a guy!"

"Well, you did have your fling at one point, Dear."

"...we agreed to nEVER SPEAK OF THAT!"

"Yes Dear."

"Ugh. Regardless how could that happen?! I did not raise my son a goddamn fag!"

"I know dear."

"If he comes back here, oh god am I gonna straighten Him out."

"Sure you will, Dear."

I nearly gagged at this conversation. What the hell was wrong with this guy?! I'm gonna have to call them again later. I growled and slowly made my way to their window, and looked inside.

Leo's Mom was reading a magazine and his dad was still yelling about how he disapproved and Leo and all that bullshit. I paused and suddenly kicked through the window, and slipped inside as both of them yelled in shock. I glared at his dad and we locked eyes,"Hello there, Stephen."

"Mysterion? The hell are you here for?" He tried to look shocked. What a liar..

"You need to face up to your Crimes, Stephen." I growled, my voice nearly rumbling with anger.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." He said, trying to slyly back away from me.

"Stephen Stotch, you need to face up to your crimes of Child abuse as well as Assault on a Minor. Surrender yourself now or give me the enjoyment to beat you like you beat your son." I growled, my fist clenched so hard you could hear the fabric of my glove clench and move as my fist shook at my sides in anger.

"I'm not surrendering to a man in spandex." He growled and backed up, before grabbing a shard of glass from the window and trying to run at me with it. I grabbed his arm and swung it behind his back and pressed it into his spine.

"I'm not afraid to dislocate your Arm, Stephen." I hummed,"Last chance."

"GRAAH!" He yelled and tried to punch me but I quickly caught his hand, and chuckled.

"Good choice." I smirked and roughly rugged on his arm, dislocating it. I kicked him and stomped on him once he was on the ground. He tried to punch me but I grabbed him and started to punch him over and over.

I may have gotten a bit carried away.

When I pulled away he was shaking trying to get up. I backed up and looked at Leo's mom who was terrified of me.

"You need to get in control of your husband. You're letting him beat your son for something he can't even control. You shouldn't even be parents if you allow that to happen." I growled before quickly leaving the home, and going up to the rooftops.

After maybe twenty minutes, I slowed my pace and looked down.

Why did I do that?

I mean yes, it's my job to do that—to get evil people—but my anger consumed me. Over Leo. What about Leo makes me so protective over him??

I sat down on the edge of a roof and began to ponder about it.

Well, I guess he was Like family. I have talked to my Parents for Karen a few times but this was different somehow. I let my anger really consume me this time...

Maybe it's because he's like a puppy to me? Cute and helpless? Innocent and fragile?

"GraAGH!!! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?!" I yelled out and ruffled my hair under my hood in distress. The cars of late night South Park covered my screams of distress as I continued to ponder. I sat down on the roof and kicked my legs. Why the hell did I do that?

Why did I do that?

Why did I do that??

Why did I do that???

I sighed and paused when I heard someone walking down the road below me. I paused and glanced down to see Leo. Why the hell was he here?

I know he already expressed his feelings to me about me, but hey, I can always change minds. I jumped down in front of him, making him Jump.

"What are you doing out so late, Mr.Stotch?"

"I-I'm going home." He replied and tried to go around me, but I glided in quickly.

"I wouldn't go home if I were you." I spoke softly and he paused, but still glared at me.

"Why not?"

"Because I'm afraid your Father wants to assault you as soon as you do go home."

"...a-and that's n-none of your business..." he retorted and tried to go around me again.

"It is my business because it's against the law." I got in front of him again and put my hand on his shoulder,"Why are you going back?"

"I..." he sighed,"I forgot... I-I forgot my Journal and la-laptop."

"I can go get it for you." I said quickly,"Wait here."

"That's not—"

Before he replied, I was off.

I quickly went back to his house and Packed his Laptop, his chargers, some extra clothes and other seemingly important things before I even found his journal.

Once I put it all together, I couldn't help but pause and look at the journal.

Just one peek won't hurt...

I paused when I saw my name all over one page with hearts.


I blushed lightly. Oh fuck, am I the reason why he was kicked out?

I shook my head and quickly stuck it in the bag, and ran back to where he was.

When I went back to him, and handed the bag to him,"Here you go."

"Ah, Yeah, Thanks." He nodded and stood up from the curb he was sitting at.

"Where are you going now?" I blinked.

"Uhhh... to my Friend Ken's place."


"Kenneth McCormick." He said quickly.

"Ah. Want me to walk you there?"

"No. I-I'm good." He said quickly and started walking off.

"Suit yourself." I hummed and watched him walk away.

Damn, he does have a nice ass tho.

Mysterious Chaos - A Bunny FanficWhere stories live. Discover now