[11 - Kenny McCormick]

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We don't talk. We're always so quiet when I was with him. You could hear a pin drop on a carpet when in a room with us alone. But I did do my job and I watched over him, and would take care of him as best I could. Yknow, getting him stuff and doing small things for him. Then when the last bell would ring, I'd walk him out and we'd part ways. My body just.. wont let me talk to him either. I don't know why but I just can't. I hate it too.

We sat together at lunch, sitting next to each other. We sat quietly, eating Lunch together when I heard a Ping on my phone. I looked to see that the News app had a new story. A couple of towns away from us had their Bank robbed the night before. Fun. I might as well Go on patrol tonight, then.

With a sigh I pulled out my earbuds and put them in my phone before watching a movie I downloaded. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Leo look at my screen, probably trying to slyly watch it.

I paused before pulling out an earbud and handing it to him, to which he hesitated, put it in, and looked back at the Movie.

Without thinking, my mind made me touch his shoulder and pull him close, which made him jump and tense up. But eventually he relaxed into it. After the fact, I mentally battered myself about it, but in the moment I didn't mind it. We were interacting a little more than usual. But I could still just tell that he hated me still, in at least some way. That hurts, regardless.

But what was strange is that he leaned his head against me was we watched the movie. Probably to see better, yeah...

As soon as the bell rang he ripped out the earbud and handed it to me. I took it and got up with him, taking him to his next class. But while we were in the hall, he stopped. We didn't converse as he turned down a different hallway and walked down that way. I simply followed him, my hands dug deep into my pockets.

He soon stopped and just sat on the ground, brought his knees to his chest and sighed. I sat across from him,"Is... Is something wrong?"

He glared at me,"Oh, is something wrong? Of course there is!"

I scooted a little closer,"What is it?"

"This! Aaaaalll of this!" He waved his hand violently, motioning to the both of us,"I hate what you've done!!"

"I did it to try and protect you—"

"Bullshit!" He snapped and glared at me,"You want to try and get me to turn me in! You knew from the start! You knew who I was! Otherwise you wouldn't have been my friend!" His teeth clenched and his hands gave out a soft spark.

"No, Nono Leo it was never like that." I hesitantly put my hand on his shoulder,"Leo, I'm doing all of this to protect you from yourself. I'm scared of you hurting yourself, and never seeing you again."

His eyes went wide and his voice cracked as he squeaked out a,"Bullshit!"

"It's true! Leo I know things are really fucked up right now, but I still want you as my friend. I still want you around me. And knowing if you possibly hurt yourself from something I could have stopped... I don't know what I'd do." I gently grabbed his arms and scooted forward a little more.

He shook his head and paused, and his voice was practically hoarse,"Why are you so good?" He looked up at me and I could see his tears in his eyes,"Why are you so good?" He repeated, slightly louder,"Why did you also have to be him, too? Why?"

"Look, I know... I know life is shit. And it's unfair, but I'm him to try and make it better for people like us. All we can do it try, right? We have to insist change for it to happen." I held only his hands and felt the small shocks go through me, making the hairs on my arms stand up.

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