[7 - Kenny McCormick]

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About a week after that whole Debacle with Leo in his shop as Mysterion, Things were... quiet in South Park. School is about a few months from being over at this point, and Leo and I have been spending more time together. I'm starting to notice the small things about him.

His favorite color is a light shade of cyan. His eyebrows raise and come together slightly when he laughs. He's a bit self conscious about his frame. He zones out when he thinks. And he's still self conscious about the scar on his eye that happened when I threw that ninja star at him years ago. Yeahhhh we don't talk about that much. But it makes me wonder if he notices those things about me too.

I over to see Leo come through the door, his bag in hand and bags under his eyes. I scooted over and let him plop down next to me. I looked at him,"Rough night?"

"Yeah." He sighed and shoved his face further into the mattress. I gently patted his back and smiled slightly.

"Me too." I chuckled softly and laid down next to him, which made him look at me. We grew silent and to break the said silence, I smirked and tapped his nose,"Boop."

He jumped, snorted, and started to laugh,"What the heck?" I chuckled at his reaction and sat up with him.

"You seem so down lately, what's wrong?" I looked at him and he sighed, rubbing his face Tiredly.

"I've had something on my mind for a while is all."

"Want to talk about it?" I raised a brow.

"I-I don't know Ken, I d-don't wanna bother ya..."

"It's fine!" I assured him,"Is it the Flower shop?"

"It's..." he paused,"Yeah... the... the Flower shop." He said softly.

"What about it?"

"It's..." he sighed and sat up,"Well it's taking longer than I thought it would to really set up."

"Maybe I can help?" I said Suddenly, and he jumped.

"O-Oh! I can't ask that of you—"

"Nono! I want to help out." I chuckled softly," You won't have to pay me or anything, either!"

Leo let out a soft sigh and smiled at me,"If you're sure, I guess I can let you come with me tonight..."

"Yes!" I grinned and had a small celebration as he laughed at me. He smiled and laid his head back into the mattress.

My body slowly moved down and laid next to him. My arm wrapped around him and my arm and chest cradled his head. We laid there for a minute and I yawned to break out silence.

"Hey, Ken?" Leo said suddenly.

"Yeah Leo?" I looked at him.

"Do you like anybody? I've heard things from others but I've never heard it from you. I'm curious." He sat up and held onto his ankles.

"Huh? Where'd that come from?" I jumped. The fuck?

"Like I said, People are saying things, d-dude. I wanna know." He leaned closer to me and I couldn't help but to look in his eyes. It was almost like he was looking into my soul.

"S-Since when did you care about this stuff?" I laughed nervously.

"Dude." He suddenly said softly,"People are saying you like..." He shuddered,"Eric."

"What?! God no!" I yelled and shook my head,"I may like someone, but it's definitely not him!"

"So you do like someone?" Leo blinked,"Who?"

I laughed nervously as he slowly got closer,"Uhhhh I-I Can't say." He kept moving closer and I kept moving back.

"Why not? I won't tell, I-I promise!"

"It's not that I don't trust you, I—"


We were soon on the floor. He was on top of me and practically pinning me down. I looked up at him to meet his eyes and it was almost like we were looking into each other's souls, as cheesy as it was. But it wasn't that lovey dove type. I could see only sadness in the depths of his eyes. Past that warmth I know was a cold and icy depth, where I could just see pain. It hurt me in a way I didn't think was possible. I wanted to help him, I did, but I didn't know how. I didn't know how to do it in the right way.

The way he wanted.

"Hey... Leopold, I—"


Our heads span to see my sister in the Doorway. We scrambled off of each other and I shook my head, waving my hands,"No, Nono! That is Not what it looked like!"

"You two are so in a relationship! I knew it! I knew it!"

"We are not!" I yelled, feeling heat in my cheeks. From anger, embarrassment of the situation, or... something else, I don't know. I can't even tell any more...

"You so are! You so are!" She sang and ran off to her room, and I groaned.

A giggle made me turn to see Leo laughing, covering his face a bit. When he saw me look at him, he went into full blown laughter. My cheeks flared red and I slipped a small smile. My small smile swiftly turned into laughter because of him. When he had a genuine laugh, it was always contagious. He was ridiculous, and I guess that's why I liked him so much.

When he suddenly paused I took interest. He sat for a moment,"What's up?" I asked, and he turned to me.

"Ken, Thanks."


I was a bit taken back. As Mysterion, he hated me. This is a... shock to say the least.

He got up and stood in front of me,"Thank you, because... Jesus Ken without you I'd be nothing." He leaned towards me and smiled and actual genuine smile, something that was rare these days,"You're my Hero."

My face flushed, and my body tensed up when he kissed my cheek and quickly pulled away.

"I-I'm going to take a shower, Okay? I-I'll be back in a bit." He smiled and walked out.

My body slowly melted and collapsed back onto the bed as soon as that door clicked closed. He kissed me. He kissed me. He kissed me.

I could feel the burning in my face even after he had turned the shower on. It may have been just a courtesy kiss or something, but Jesus I'm taken back.

His lips are very soft compared to my stubble, I'll say that.

Mysterious Chaos - A Bunny FanficWhere stories live. Discover now