Another Author's Note (im sorry)

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Hi everyone, it's me, AJ

Sooooo It's been a while hehe
A looooonnnng while

I don't really ever use Wattpad anymore haha and I always feel so bad because, well, I get like 80 notifications a Day from Wattpad alone, hell, from this BOOK alone... so I feel so so sO bad whenever I see them because I feel like I'm letting you guys down for not posting.

Well, I haven't been posting because Junior Year in Highschool is ROUGH, especially when you go to a college prep school :(

This year I went though a lot. My uncle died. I had anxiety attacks multiple times a week.. I got really depressed and I even got to a point where I cut my face up and went to school the next day with them not even cleaned.

But, er, Yeah. I'm better now. I'm going to therapy and I have medications now. I'm still struggling with stuff like attention and memory but that's a topic for another day.

Anyway, on a lighter note, I'm also semi-busy senior year. Cause I actually got into a Pre-College program at an art school (My dream school) for 6 college credits. So basically I get to take 2 classes at that school. So depending on what I do there may impact how much time I have hehe. But hey, it's my dream school and I'm just happy I made it. I'm sure my grandma would be too.

I'm getting off topic. Anyway...

I don't know??? When I'll be able to write this??? Like I have outlines for chapters but I can't ever bring myself to write them out. I'm thinking I have some attention deficit, but I don't know. I need to go somewhere to figure that out

But like,,, yeah. I don't know what else to say haha

If you have any questions, I'll gladly reply to them as long as they're in this comment section, soooo ye.

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