[13 - Leopold Stotch]

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I rubbed my eyes tiredly as I leaned against the door of my locker, god it's all awkward now! I've really been an ass, huh? Kenny was really just doing nothing but helping me and all I did was Push him away...

And now there's that shadow freak running around too! And what am I going to do now? Like, do I still fight Mysterion or is that just over? My brain hurts just thinking about it...

A flash of Orange turning around the corner caught my eye, of course, it was Ken. He was limping slightly as he walked to me, a smile on his face. I waved to him as he stood next to me,"Hey, Ken."

Our relationship now? Well, it's odd. We act like friends. I don't mind him. But I still... I don't like him touching me or getting too close. A part of me is still pushing him away, I guess.

"Hey Leo." He dug his hands in his pockets.

"You doing any better?"

"Well, my legs still are a little numb, but I should be okay."

"That's good."

A silence fell between us as I grabbed a notebook and pencil out of my locker.

"Well, um, have this." Kenny suddenly handed me a small box, a tiny bow on it,"From Karen. She wanted me to give this to you before I fucked up our friendship again."

I laughed softly,"Oh?" I gently tugged on the ribbon and let it unwrap itself. I pushed it out the way and opened the box to see the bottle of Nail Polish she made for me. My perfect color. A laugh escaped my lips as I picked it up,"Tell her I said thank you."

"Will do." He nodded and watched me place it in my pocket. I closed my locker and leaned against it, mirroring his stance, a little smug smile on my face. He chuckled softly,"You seem in a good mood."

"Well, since we cleared the air I don't feel as much anxiety around you as I did before." I brushed back my hair with my hands,"I'm actually a little happy to see you, McCormick."

"Oh shit, really?" He smiled,"Am I slowly going back up the ladder to being friends with you again?"

"Hmmm maybe a little mo—"

"Gay boys!!!"

Our heads swiftly turned to see Craig at his locker, one arm around Tweek and the other carrying a Binder.

"I know a couple of gay Boys when I see em!"

"Hey, uh, Pan Boy here! So shut the fuck up and get your Teeth straight, Tucker!"

"Hey, uh, Pan Boy here! So shut the fuck up and get your Teeth straight, Tucker!"

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"Fuck you!"

I laughed to myself a little at that. How fun. I closed my locker and looked at Ken,"So, I presume you're still going to follow me?"

"Mmmm, Yeah." He nodded after a fake pause.

"Well, let's get to my first class."

"Hm, yeah." He nodded,"I'm right behind you."

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