[6 - Leopold Stotch]

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I sighed as I laid in bed, my eyes glazed over with nothingness as I stared at the creamy spikes of the ceiling. I groaned softly before slowly and reluctantly getting up, and rubbed my head.

I have to go to my lab.

I yawned softly as I started to pack some stuff in a bag. My phone, laptop, stuff like that. I need to get my whole facade set up stat. I rubbed my eyes and was almost out the room when I heard a voice behind me.

"Where are you going?"

I turned to see Kenny looking at me, sitting up in bed and rubbing his eyes. I flopped my hair back,"I'm going to work. I'll be back in the morning."

"You work this late?" He inquired,"Where the hell do you work?"

"I work at um..." I rubbed my head as convincingly as I could. Really I was trying to think of something. I paused,"Uhhh... it's like a flower store, but like I do online stuff when I'm not taking care of flowers. My uh... My Hours were all I could snag." Jesus, good fucking job, Leo... Totally not suspicious...

"I can take you, Leo." He started to get up but I shook my head and waved him to go lay down again.

"No, No. I-I can walk. You ha-have to wake up early tomorrow a-anyway, you said so yo-yourself." I smiled at him,"Just Sleep, I-I'll Be Back."

"If you say so..." he hummed and went to lay back down. I nodded and left the building, and headed for my base. It was towards the outskirts of town and under this abandoned building.

Well, I think I know what I'm going to do.

I've got it. I'll say I'm running my own Flower shop in this building, in case Ken wants to come along. I'm fixing it up, So for a few weeks I need to keep this constant and sit on top "ordering supplies" to fix it... I think that'll work for now.

Yeah. It should.

When I made it to the building I inspected it again. Boards were collapsing, things were falling apart at the seams. It was a mess.

"Oh hamburgers." I whined and slowly walked inside,"This is gonna need a lot of fix-up..."

I walked inside and sat on an old chair I had in there and rolled it to a desk. I sighed and opened my laptop. A lot of work had to be done. I had to get WiFi up here, electricity, plumbing, new floors walls and roof and I Had to fix up my entire lot before even opening it. Ugh.  I opened up google and started to Order things to help me get this place fixed up after turning on my hotspot.

Currently, it is close to 12:45AM. And it was quiet. I went to my phone, turned on my music and went back to work to get through the silence.

As I worked I would look around from my chair every now and again. Even though I've been here countless times, it's always creepy up here at night or early in the morning. It's too quiet. I hate it. I don't like it. At all.

I suddenly stopped what I was doing and looked up, and crossed my arms,"Is anyone there?"

I paused a moment. Okay. Someone was definitely there...

I grabbed my phone and turned on the flashlight and started to look around.

"Hellooooo?" I called out,"I-If your Here, just come out."

"Hello again, Mr.Stotch."


I swiftly turned to see Mysterion looking at me, his arms crossed. I sighed softly and rubbed my head.

"Oh, It's just you." I brushed past him and went to my desk,"And why are you here, then?"

"To check up on you. I don't see why you're here of all places."

"Uhhhh, I work here." I sat back in my desk,"I-I'm repairing this place. To make it into a fl-flower shop."

"Ah. Really?"

"Uh, yeah." I nodded and looked back at my laptop,"I-I suggest you leave unless you want to get a broom and sweep the floor."

"As long as I can have a chat."

I sighed and grumbled under my breath, sliding my hands down my face Tiredly,"Why are you even here?"

"Can't I have a nice conversation?"

I slammed my laptop shut and looked at him in his eyes,"Heroes and Villains are the same in this of many aspects; they only talk to civilians when they want something." I crossed my arms,"The difference lies when Heroes just like to glaze it over with fake friendship, while the villains get right to the point. That's a reason to why I don't like you, if you can believe."

He stood there for a minute from my small outburst. Maybe it was because I didn't stutter, or maybe because he was actually thinking about it? I don't know. But he stood there for a while.

"Well, I came by because your shop here is in a dangerous neighborhood."

"All of South Park is a Dangerous neighborhood." I retorted and stood up, grabbing a broom,"Look, I'm going to hit you with this if you don't leave."

"Why do you hate me?"

I suddenly stopped.


"Why do you hate me?"

I looked over to see him with a look of bear pain. I felt a part of me falter as I let out a rugged sigh. He may be my enemy as Professor Chaos, but as Leopold Stotch, he's just some guy looking out for me. As much as I loathe this guy, I have to bear in mind he might just have his demons too.

"Look, I hate almost all heroes." I rested my shoulders and my arms dangled to my sides,"I don't like you because you make it seem like your some angel in the night. Some... High presence that all evil should be afraid of... like some goodie-two-shoes of the Gods." I rubbed my neck,"If you were any of that, you'd protect everyone, even the bad ones. But you pick and choose. And I've noticed, along with others."

"What do you mean 'pick and choose'?" He looked confused, so out of character.

"You pick the 'good people'. The people who could just... do no wrong." I put my hand on my hip,"While I'm at this, it's also heroes like you who couldn't save people like me. Because you just didn't want to."

"What do you—?"

"People like me suffered for years before they could find some glimpse of actual happiness. My whole goddamn life I've been Ridiculed, bullied, mistreated... and nobody helped. Not even you so called 'real heroes'. I've only had one person in my life that actually has even comforted me. And he's much more of a goddamn hero than you are." I growled, picked up the broom and started to push him away with it,"Now please, leave my property."

"Do you not like me at all?"

"L-Leave my Property!" I used the end of the broom and shoved the bristles in his face and waved it around, forcing him to move back.

When I pulled the broom down, he was already gone. I let out a sigh and went to my computer. I still had a few hours left and more things to order, anyway.

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