[9 - Leopold Stotch]

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I finished strapping Mysterion into the chair and sat back in my own chair, and moved away. I stared at him as he remained in his comatose state. I looked back at my main monitor that was tracking his vital signs. It had calculated he would be up soon. I rubbed my wrists as my eyes stared at the scars that were forming on them. My power Repressors had really boiled my skin. I'm lucky it only left something like First Degree Burns. Well, for the most part.

At this point, I need to hurt myself. When I get hurt, I give up and calm down. It's almost the only way I do...

My eyes looked up as I heard coughing. Mysterion was waking up. I continued to rub my wrists,"Rise and Shine, Sleeping Beauty."

"Ch-Chaos." He growled softly, and looked at me.

"Don't push yourself." I rolled my eyes slightly and stood up,"Welcome to my lair, Mysterion."

He hesitated before taking his eyes away from me, and his body lost all tension as he looked around. His eyes stopped on me again and he stared at my wrists.

"What are you doing?" He glared.

"Oh?" I lifted up my hands and showed him the burns,"These are from our encounter, you made my power suppressors shock me so much it's going to scar me for life." I smirked. I opened my pouch on my hip and put on a new set as I backed away.

"It does that to you on purpose?"

"Hm. It shocks me. If I get to rowdy, that is. See, I'm a monster." I turned to him again,"I can control electricity and lightning. But I can't control it the way I would like to. So I use these suppressants to... hmmm... lessen my monstrosity just a little bit. I don't want to kill everyone I want to make suffer just yet." I chuckled and squatted in front of his chair, and looked him in the eye.

"What do you want with me?" He stared right back. I let out a sharp and short scoff as I stood.

"I want to know who you are, Mysterion. I've been absolutely dying to know."

"You could say the feeling is mutual." He sneered.

"Oh I'm so scared." I rolled my eyes,"The most you can do in your situation is spit on me." He glared before trying to squirm out of his bonds. I leaned down to him and cupped his face with my hand, smiling slightly,"Oh look at you, look at you..." I reached behind his head and grabbed the back of his mask.

"Stop Touching me!" He tried to shake his head but I shoved it to the back of the chair with my other hand.

"Ah ah ah... don't make this a fuss. I just want to see that bright ol' face of yours..." I smirked and in a swift movement pulled off his mask and shoved down his hood. When I looked my eyes widened and I backed away.


He looked at his mask in my hands, then almost up at me in terror. I looked at the mask and started to laugh. I dropped down to my knees and laughed more, my head slowly dropping in my hands to the ground. Tears swelled in my eyes as I sobbed between laughs.

"C-Can't I get a fucking break?" I trembled and yelled out when my suppressants shocked me again, making my burns worse.

I looked him in the Eyes and smiled as the tears streamed down my face, my makeup covering my scar coming off and I could barely see,"Of all people, you had to be him. You had to be HIM." I punched the wall and yelled out as I was shocked again. I covered my face as I continued to cry.

"Why the hell are you so emotional?"

I laughed again and shook my head,"You had to be the love of my fucking life, didn't you?" I took off my helmet and my voice was hoarse,"I'm a fucking monster, Ken."

Mysterious Chaos - A Bunny FanficWhere stories live. Discover now