(A/N) well well well, how the turn tables....

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Hey yo what's up it's ya Boi bitch ass beaner

Lmao so it's been like
OOF it's been two years,,, YIKE

I'll do a quick catch up I guess lmao
- ya girl had an intense relapse of s*lf harm and cut up her arms n face
- My uncle died and it took a couple days for his body to be found in his house
- my school put me on s*icide watch for the year (lmao kinda funny how that lines up w butters lol)
- started therapy at this chill af place
- started my senior year of Highschool
- Started a pre-college program at my dream art college to get dem college credits
- my therapist left and moved out of state so I don't have therapy anymore lol
- Barely passed that first semester (shit was ROUGH)
- Started second semester, an old friend of mine committed liven't
- Had ANOTHER Sh relapse
- Broke up with my girlfriend of about 5-ish years because she basically ghosted me so that was fun (this was around Christmas)
- went to my doctor, took a test on depression, almost got hospitalized 😳✌️ we vibin
- Got with my best friend because I realized I had a crush on him and that's going good so far (week into a relationship rn I think)

Soooo yeah we on some fuckshit Rn UwU but like fr idk how much of that I've already told y'all??? But other than my arm lookin like busted ass railroad tracks, we doin Gucci.

I deleted Wattpad for a WHILE because of all that shit, but maybe a month ago I downloaded it again, and it's crazy how this old fic is somehow still getting reads and comments??? Like??? What???

Seriously, that's got me fucked up. After all this time, people are still taking the time to read it. And I thank y'all for that. And I know I was a big fat bitch and kinda left y'all hangin. Don't worry, I don't know when, but hopefully soon I'll write a little bit for this story again, and hopefully make it to the end. I still know the plot I had, And I still know how I wanted it to end. Hopefully I'll come back and write it soon.

But this was just to let you guys know why I kinda dropped off the face of the platform for a bit, my serotonin went and said BYE and launched itself out me at Mach speeds, but yeah no we be doin good now. Soooo hopefully I'll be back on track soon!

-AJ 💙✨✌️

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2020 ⏰

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