[17 - Kenny McCormick]

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"So, you think you'll be okay on your own tonight?"

"I'm in a Hospital, Kenny, nothing can get to me here." Karen smiled, giving me a reassuring thumbs up.

"Aha, Okay, just making sure." I smiled and headed to the door, only for her voice to stop me.

"I forgot to ask, but where are you going? You usually don't leave until 10."

"Oh, uh, I have a date." I smiled at her, and she gasped.

"Who?! Who are you going out with?!" She smiled and sat up, looking at me excitedly for an answer.

"Oh, uhhhh.... Leo."

"REALLY?!" She grinned, and squealed, kicking her legs. I chuckled at the sight of her happiness, and watched her run over to me,"You'd better get him flowers! I know he likes periwinkles! Oh! And sweets! I know he likes sugar! And—"

"Woah, woah, hold on there lil' lady, you need to simmer down before ya hurt yourself." I patted her head and pushed her back to the bed.

"Awww!! But I'm too excitedddd." She whined.

"Well I can't goooo if you keep me waitingggg." I flicked her nose, making her laugh,"I gotta run home and get changed."

"You'd better brush your hair!! You're gonna look like Shaggy from Scooby Doo if you don't!"

"Ouch, that hurt." I laughed.

"What made you decide to take him out on a date anyway?" She blinked, and I paused.

After a minute, I just shrugged,"I dunno, I guess it felt right." After that, I gave a small wave to her and left the hospital, heading home to get ready.


Kenny paused as he stood in front of the door of the flower shop. He looked down at the bundle of Flowers he had picked up, which, in hindsight it was fairly stupid to have bought him flowers since he had a flower shop and a greenhouse, but what was done was done and frankly he was just happy he made it on time. At least he also had some chocolates. He pushed his hair out of his eyes and knocked on the door, hearing Leo respond with a "Ill be out in a sec!". The large man started to bite the studs below his lip. What if he was overdressed? Or worse, underdressed? He shuddered at the thought.

The door suddenly swung open, and there Leo was, in a nice T-shirt with a open button-up on top, with his hair slightly fluffed from just being brushed. The look was quite different from what he had usually wore, this outfit finally showing how skinny the boy really was compared to his puffy over-sized turtleneck.

Kenneth jumped and laughed awkwardly,"Oh! Um... these are for you!"

He handed Leo the bundle of flowers, making the boy smile. He chuckled,"I love Periwinkles, thank you, Ken." Leo set the bouquet on the table and looked the man in front of him up and down,"Look at you, out of your Parka."

Kenny, wearing a black tee and a classic red flannel, chuckled,"Yeahhh, I wanted to look a little nice."

"Well, you succeeded at least a little bit."

"Aw, Thanks Buttercup." Ken gave a sly smile,"Have any reservations as of where you'd like to head to tonight?"

"Not particularly, no."

"Good! Good." Kenneth smiled,"I wanted to take you somewhere."

"Oh? Is that right?"

"Yeah! Come with me." He held out his hand, to which Leo took, and they were off.

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