[3 - Leopold Stotch]

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I watched as Karen put on the final top coat on my nails and smiled. I looked them over and my smile turned into a grin,"Wo-Wow, Karen! You gave me such a nice color!"

"I made it myself! I mixed your two favorite polishes and got that one, neat huh?" She chirped as she turned to Kenny, who was getting black polish.

"That's so cool." I crossed my legs and closed my eyes,"I-I love hanging out with you guys! It's fun."

"It is! We missed you coming over, Leo." Kenny smiled and my heart fluttered a little. He really likes to call me Leo, because Kenny, for whatever reason, usually refers to me as Leo. Since my real name is Leopold, but everyone else calls me Butters. It's not too fun when you realize that the nickname means ugly, though. But I don't blame that opinion, I've gotten rough over the years, heh.

Kenny stopped calling me Butters around the time he strayed away from Eric, now that I think about it. Then again, Eric wasn't my biggest fan and was very manipulative, so maybe that was it. I still wonder why he left the group, So I'll ask later.

Suddenly, I snapped back into reality,"Hah, yeah, sorry about my absence... I-I was grounded... now Uh... N-Now I'm kicked out o-of the house." I laughed nervously, rubbing my arm.

Kenny swiftly turned to me, a stern look sprawled on his face," Kicked Out? For what??"

"Well uh... I may have ca-called my d-dad... a... a-a Dick..." I looked down, and played with my fingers,"A-And we go-got in a fi-fight... Thin-Things were thrown a-and he hit me-me with a lamp... a-and He to-tossed me out wi-with my-my thi-things and..." I held in my urge to cry and tried to use my small amount of hair to cover my face. Nope. Not gonna cry... not gonna cry...

Kenny sat there with Karen, dumbfounded before gently wrapping his arms around me (but kept his hands up to avoid the polish going places) and rubbed my back with his wrists. He frowned and looked at me,"What was it this time?"

I felt my body tense and I paused,"Um... I-I..." I glanced at Karen before looking at him,"I'll tell you later.."

"Well do you have anywhere to go?"

"No-Not really... Bu-But I can find somewhere to go, it shouldn't be too hard—"

"Stay here!" Karen suddenly blurted out and Kenny and I jumped, staring at her,"You can sleep in Kenny's room!"

"N-No I don't want to be a bother." I shook my head,"I-I already dumped out my-my problems and—"

Suddenly Karen was in my face, giving puppy eyes to me and Kenny,"Please Stay! You're our o-only real friend! And then if you stay, we won't miss you as much (especially Kenny) and we—"

Kenny suddenly cut her off,"Well... I wouldn't mind him staying for at least a little while."

"Oh n-no! I can't! I-I'll find a motel or so-something—"

"Dude, you're really gonna trust a Motel around here? In South Park?" Kenny looked at me, practically criticizing my plan. He put a hand on my shoulder and I nearly shuddered from his grip,"You can stay here."

"We-Well..." I sighed, defeated,"Fine. But I'll pay rent. I'll feel really bad if I don't." I looked at them, and Karen grinned wildly (I swear I saw a bit of a devilish smirk too). I looked down and pushed my hair back,"Th-Thank you, guys... you're too nice..."

"Anything for you, Leo." Kenny smiled. I smiled back and looked down at my nails.

I'm really grateful for Kenny and Karen. They're the only people on this damn planet I can appreciate. Honest to god, they are. They've sheltered me before. My dad used to kick me out if he thought grounding or a 'good ol slap' wasn't enough. Kenny was always nice and took me in. Maybe because he knew what it was like to be scared of your parents like that.

I won't lie, at one point it got so bad where I'd have serious panic attacks right in his arms. And it was like he understood. Like he knew what it was like, and honestly I don't doubt it. His parents are just as bad as mine, if not worse.

I always feel so sad for him though. Like... because he deserves more. He's had such a hard life, and all he ever does is be nice to people. I know he was to me. He's really an angel. So is Karen.

Man. I really want to kill their parents.

My mind snapped back when Kenny's hand suddenly was in my view,"Leo? Leeeeeoooooo? You good, dude?"

"Ah! Ye-Yeah! Sorry." I laughed nervously.

"Why don't we play UNO or something?" Kenny suggested and Karen smiled.

"Yes! I'm going to destroy you two!" She exclaimed, laughing almost evilly. I laughed, how cute.

"Oh but Karen, it is in fact you, who will be destroyed." Kenny retorted and quickly got up, and tapped her head before running,"Last one there is a dodo brain!"

"No fair! You had a head start!" She quickly ran after him.

I stayed where I was and laid down on the ground, and closed my eyes. I took pause. How am I going to do my evil work if Kenny is here?? Well... I can say I have a job with a night shift... maybe... but then I'm fucked if he asks where I work. I'll figure something out. Maybe I can disguise my base like a shop or something... profit and a disguise, then! Maybe..

I opened my eyes when I heard them rush in. I sat back up and saw them collapsed on the ground, Karen with the cards in her hands and holding them in the air.

"I... got it!" She yelled out, panting heavily.

I chuckled and gently plucked the cards from her hands,"Okay, you guys get something to drink and I'll shuffle cards. Let's play."

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