Chapter 1

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Hey wattpaders!! Another new addition to my repertoire! (is that how it being used?) So...i had publishes this story in now, i'm publishing it on Wattpad. If you want to read the completed one you can just go to my other account on with the same username as i use in wattpad. But, there's a twist. I'm gonna be publishing the edited and renewed chapter on wattpad. And so, yeah...any grammatical mistakes, any weird plots and storyline...might change a bit. For better. And so, yeah, you guys may read the newly edited one as well as the original one. And so, yeah, hopefully you guys enjoys it. As usual, please vote if you like the chapter and thank you in advance for ading it to your lists and libraries as well as taking the time to read my stories~ Enjoy!

Chapter 1 : To Japan!

Who would have thought that Echizen Ryoma had a twin sister? Well, it is true. Echizen Haruka was born a few minutes after Ryoma and had less luck. Being born with such a weak body, she was always coped within her rooms for years. Ryoma had always been so overprotective of her and not to mention Ryoga who would always calls and sent emails to her secretly without anyone knowing it. As far as everyone knows, Ryoga had left their home when he was eight but still never forgot to keep in touch with her one and only little sister.

It was decided that their family would return to Japan soon but still, her condition suddenly took a worse turn when she was preparing for the departure. And so, Haruka herself, was left in America and was being taken care by a nurse payed by their parents. Alone. Well, it was not so alone. Sometimes, Ryoga would came and stay for a few days without telling their parents about it. Well both their parents had always known that Ryoga was in contact with her, they just keep it to themselves. Ryoma would sent messages and emails and calls her everyday before he went to sleep, talking about what happen in Japan and about his school life and most of the time about his Tennis club and his seniors.

"Nee~ Ryoga-nii..." She said as she was seeing through her window.

"What's wrong Haru-chan?" Concerned about his little sister he went closer to her and sat beside her.

"I want to go to Japan....Can't I?" Haruka was hoping that Ryoga would take her to Japan with him.

"Ha...Haru....Well..." Seeing Haruka's sparkling eyes full with hope and excitement, just how would this big brother could disappoint his cute little sister and break her fragile heart? "Well...only if the doctor says that you could handle the long flight." He said with a stern voice.

"Uwaahhh!~ Thank you nii-chan! Daaaaaaisukiii!!" She said as she went to hug Ryoga with a big smile on her face.

"As long as I could see you smile this way...I don't mind being the bad guy forever." Ryoga thought.


"Are you sure that you are alright?" Ryoga asked as he could notice Haruka's white porcelain skins becomes more and more pale that it was already is.

"I...I'm fine..Ryoga-nii...." She replied as she was trying to calm herself.

"No! You are not fine. That's it, I'm cancelling the tickets."

"NO! I wanna go! I'm fine already! Nii-chan...." As she started to sob, Ryoga kneeled in front of her with a concern face and put his hand onto her head, patting her gently.

"Alright, alright...we'll take the flight...First, take your medicine punctually...I don't wanna hear any grumble about it. Is that clear?"

"O...okay..." Even though her face shows the opposite of it, Ryoga know just how to handle it. A smile curved on his face.

"Good girl." He said as he started to gently ruffles her long dark emerald green hair.

"No! Not my hair!" She pouts as she was trying to fixed her tousled hair. "Mou.."

To Be Continue

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