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I had to look after my little brother and sister last weekend, which meant watching A LOT of Disney shows. My sister's 9, and at prime age to be obssessed with Good Luck Charlie, so we were watching it and there was this scene were Teddy and Spencer say goodbye, and then Charlie comes in and is adorable. Anyways, my immediate thoughts were that I could write Mike and El with the same dialogue, so I used it at the ending of this story. It's very sad. I spent 10 minutes comforting my sister after watching that scene cause she was sobbing. Fun times. Anyways, I finally got round to writing this oneshot, so here you go!

When Mike was younger, college was so exciting to him. He dreamed of going to an amazing school, like Princeton, or Yale, or Dartmouth, or Brown, or Stanford, or Northwestern. He dreamed of finally escaping the stupid town he'd grown up in and the boring people that lived there. But then Eleven crashed into his life, and suddenly, she became every reason to stay. He never wanted to let her go, and when they weren't able to go to the same colleges, it crushed them both. They had been putting of the day El had to leave for California (she was going to Stanford with Max) and acting like it wasn't happening. But then the day arrived, and the weight crashed over them, crushing them both. A goodbye party was being held for the girls at the Wheeler house, and they had been pretending that they weren't breaking inside, and that looking at each other just reminded them of the four daunting years that lay ahead of them.

They had been eating Karen's delicious food and laughing and chatting with their friends all day. Dustin, Will, Lucas, Max, El, Mike, Hopper, Joyce, Jonathan, Nancy, Steve, Holly and Karen were all crowded into the Wheeler's living room, reminiscing. "Ellie?" El looked to see Holly at her side. "Yeah Hols?" she asked, trying to hide the tears that were threatening to break free. "Come upstairs with me?" "Of course Hols"

Holly led El upstairs and into Mike's room. "Why are we in here?" El questioned as Holly turned to leave the room. "Mike wanted to speak to you privately, so he's gonna secretly sneak up here so no one will interrupt" El choked back tears. "Thank you Hols" El murmured, her voice cracking.

Mike snuck upstairs without the others noticing, and walked down the hall to his room. Holly stood outside. He simply nodded at her and gave her a tight hug before taking a deep breath, turning the doorknob, and entering. El sat on his bed, hugging her knees to her chest. "Hey" she said quietly, looking at the floor as he sat down next to her. She felt that familiar electric pull begging for her to look at him. She turned so she was facing him, legs crossed. He did the same. They just sat in silence, soaking in each others presence before Mike spoke up. "So" he started, grabbing her hands and intertwining their fingers. "I'm really staying. And you're really going" he choked out, tears overwhelming him. El was crying as well, the thought of leaving Mike was unbearable, destroying her from the inside out. Long distance was hard. Mike swiftly embraced her, pulling her into his lap and wrapping his arms around her waist, sobbing into her shoulders. She sobbed into his chest while desperately clutching on to him as if it would somehow keep them together.

They stayed like that for a while before El leaned out, wiping the tears from her cheeks. 'What do we do?" Mike asked, more tears escaping. "Well there's nothing we can do, except- I don't wanna say it" She choked out, the sobs overtaking her again, shaking her whole body. "Yeah, I don't wanna say it either" Mike murmured whilst he grabbed her hands again. "I love you" he said firmly as he rubbed his thumb across her palm. "I love you too" she answered. "I'm gonna miss you so much" She exclaimed, embracing him again.

"Why are you so sad?" They looked up to see Holly standing in the doorway, concerned etched on her face. (She was only 8 so she didn't understand that El was really leaving, that she wasn't gonna be around anymore, and that she probably wouldn't see her for a long time) "Oh um, because we're saying goodbye, Hols, and it's a very hard thing to do" El explained, whilst she squeezed Mike's hands and tears continued to steadily spill down her face. "Then say 'hello'" Holly said innocently. 'Yeah. Yeah, maybe that's easier" Mike stated whilst he turned back to look into El's beautiful eyes. The love of his life, the light of his life.

"Hello, El"

"Hello, Mike"

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