Act I Scene VI

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I Don't Think I'm Supossed To Get In cars With Strangers

Embry walks home. Not having a car or her phone means there is no way to get there unless she walks. A red car pulls up next to her.

"Hey, kiddo. Do you need a ride?" The man in the front seat looks about 30-40. He has blue eyes and brown hair.

"Um, I don't think I'm really supposed to get a ride from strangers?" Embry hesitates. Trying to figure out where she knows this guy from.

"Well, maybe you'd feel more comfortable if you knew who I am. My name is Chris Argent. What's yours?"

"Argent? As in Allison?"

"You know my daughter?" Mr. Argent raises an eyebrow.

"Y-yeah, we, uh, go to school together," Embry stumbles over her words. If Allsion knows about the supernatural world, maybe her dad does to.

"Well, do you have a name?"

"Embry, Embry McCall."


Chris did end up giving her a ride. When she got home she showered and changed. Something she definitely deserved. Afterwards Embry took her medicine and layed down to take a nap. Only to be sucking into a memory.


"Hi. I'm Charlie Greyson. I'm new here and I think you're kinda cute," A boy with green
eyes and sandy brown hair walks up to her. A smile wide on his cheeks. Panic fills the small girl.
No one ever talks to her.
"H...Hi. I'm Embry, Embry McCall," Embry falls over her words.
"So," Embry starts walking towards her class, Charlie quickly falls in step "Are you a
"I'm in eighth. You?" Embry fidgets with a piece of plastic on her binder.
"Sophomore," Charlie nods.
"Oh," Silence falls between them.
"Well. I'll pick you up Friday night. Is seven okay?" Embry furrows her eyebrows.
"Oh, yeah. I'm getting ahead of myself. I was hoping you'd go to a movie with me on Friday," Charlie grins as they stop outside Embry's classroom.
"Ummm," She pulls her lip between her teeth, "I'll think about it." A grin spread across Charlie's face.
"That's not a no," Charlie turns and walks in the other direction. Embry smiles to herself before pictures of his death swim across her vision. Tears collect in her eyes.


Embry shoots up. Her breathing heavy, sweat covering her brow. It's almost dark out
now. She can hear moving downstairs. Embry stands, her warm feet hitting the cold floor. The
girl finds a random pair of socks and pulls them on.
Embry shuffles from her rooms and down the stairs, "Mom? Is that you?"
"Embry? Go back to your room, now," Stiles stands at the door, Allison next to him.
"What's going on?" Embry rubs her eyes. Looking a lot like a little kid in her big shirt and
"Nothing. Everything's okay. Just go!" Stiles yells, scaring the girl. She jumps, fear filling
her eyes. Embry hears a growl and a crash. Isaac comes from the kitchen area and throws
"Isaac?" Tears fill the older McCall's eyes. Isaac stops to look at her. Sadness in his
"I'm sorry," He whispers as he throws Stiles. A girl with blonde hair sprints up the stairs,
pushing Embry. Causing the small girl to fall and hit her head, knocking her unconscious.

Hello. This is short and it sucks. I dont know what i was thinking when i wrote this. But its whatever. I went shopping today. I bought a pair of combat boots, two croptops, a flannel, and a cute bra. I was feeling very feminine. I'll probably hate myself for it tomorrow, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Love you guys sm. Thanks for reading.
- Sam
600 words

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