Act II Scene X

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TIGGER WARNING: Death and Gore

The innocent is always first to die

    “Embry, Scott?” The two siblings walk in the busy hospital. Something smells, like, bad. Embry holds up a bag of take-out.

    “Oh thank god, I’m starving,” Embry hands her the bag and looks around. There's so much pain here. Embry walks towards a women. She's covered in blood and smells of death. Her face is twisted in pain.

    “Please,” The women sobs, “Please help me. It hurts…. It hurts so bad.” There was a trick Derek taught her. Embry hadn’t really gotten the hang of it, but she wants to try. She wants to help.

    “Um, someone once told me, that just being around someone, it, it could help, so um,” Embry sits down and wraps an arm around the women. Black veins pop up on her arm.

    The women gasps, letting out a breath. While Embry clenches her teeth. Pain settles in her limbs.

    “Thank you,” The women stares into Embry’s eyes. Embry just puts on a tight smile.

    “Someone! Someone help me! I need help!” Embry looks up to see Danny, being hoisted up by Ethan.

    “Ma'am, I’m sorry, but… But I have to go,” The women nods and Embry takes off.

    “Okay, gentle, gentle, gentle!” Melissa yells as they set Danny down.

“What did you do to him?” Scott snaps. Death radiates from the kid.

“Nothing. He said he was having chest pains and trouble breathing, but it it just kept getting worse,” Ethan looks scared and worried. Embry places a hand on Danny’s chest.

“Scott,” Embry’s eyebrows are furrowed in worried, “He’s dying.”

    “This is not good. How much longer on Dr. Hilyard?” Melissa calls behind her. The nurse just shrug, “His larynx has shifted to the side. I think it's a tension pneumothorax.” Danny leans over and throws up. Embry’s breath catches in her throat.

“Mistletoe,” Scott confirms. The boys hoist Danny on their shoulders while Melissa lead the quartet to a room. They lay Danny on a bed.

“Can you three please go back to the waiting room?”

“Where are the nurses and the doctors?” Ethan is getting angry “Where is everyone?”

“It's a full house tonight,” Melissa sighs and shakes her head, “They're tending to other patients.”
    “Okay, well, mom, how can we help?” Embry places a hand over Danny’s, pulling away his pain.

“Honey, you can't. His lung is collapsed. His heart is being pushed against his chest cavity,” Melissa looks down to Danny sadly.

“So- He's gonna die, isn't he?’ Ethan is on the verge of tears. Embry understands. She lost someone she loved too.

“No,” Melissa makes a quick decision, “No, he's not. Scott, you grab the tape. You,” Melissa points to Ethan, “grab those scissors and cut his shirt open. Embry, keeps doing what you’re doing, it’s helping,” Embry nods, her eyes loll. This isn’t good. If she keeps going, she could die. Melissa rummages through a drawer and pulls out a long needle.
    “Mom, he's not breathing,” Scott’s voice geet loud.
    “I know, I know,” Melissa lines up the needle, “Okay, here we go.” Melissa plunges the needle in. Danny gasps and Embry let’s go, falling backwards on her ass, she sighs.
    “Thank you,” Danny whispers. Ethan sinks down to the floor, checking on Embry.

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