Act II Scene III

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The Peices Fall Into Place

    There is a high pitched sound ringing in Embry’s ear. It’s Thursday, a full moon. Embry just got home from work, the house is silent. Meaning no one is home. Fun. Embry runs up to her room and showers. Ready for bed. She is asleep as soon as she hits to pillow.


    “Embry? Embry!?” Embry’s eyes shoot open. She is laying on the ground. The cold, leaf filled ground. Naked. Her breath quickes as she covers herself, “Embry, are you okay? What are you doing out here? And why are you naked?”

    “I don’t… I don’t know. I don’t remember,” Derek shrugs off his jacket and throws it over her shoulders. Embry quickly uses it to cover herself. Derek grabs her arm and goes to pull her away.

    “Wait, something's wrong. I can feel it,” There is a weird chanting flowing in her ears, “Do you hear that?”

    “Hear what?” Embry presses her head to the ground, the chanting getting louder.

    “Embry, listen to me,” Derek yanks her up, “You need to get out of here. Now, I’m going to drive you home, you’re going to lock all the doors and windows. You don’t come out until-”

    "Ow, ow, you’re hurting me,” Derek had been forcefully dragging her by the arm.

    “Embry, listen!” Derek yells in her face, making her jump, “You are going to go home. Lock all the doors and windows. Get in bed. And not come out until the damn sun rises. Do you understand me?” Embry’s eyes are as wide as saucers. She just nods her head quietly.


    Turns out, they were trying to save Boyd and a girl named Cora. It worked. They saved them, and now there were three dead bodies in the morgue. All with a head injury, and two injuries to the throat. Isaac blames the alpha pack, but Embry doesn’t think so. This doesn’t seem to wolfish. The last one to be found, Emily, was found twenty feet away from where Derek found Embry. They still haven’t told anyone about that.

    She is still ignoring Stiles the best she can. She doesn’t  want feelings for a guy who doesn’t like her back. That would not be fun in the long run. But, speak of the devil and he shall rise.

    Embry is getting in her car to head to work, when Stiles shows up.

    “Can we talk? Please?” Embry sighs and gets out of her car.

    “You have five minutes,” Embry stands there quietly.

    “Look not talking to you all week has been hell. I miss you. I miss your laugh and that awkward thing you do with your fingers when your nervous. I miss you telling me about how your day went. I just, I can’t be away from you this long, Embry. I just want to be around you. I want to do all that stupid romance crap with the cuddling and hand-holding. I want to hear everything about you. When you were living with your dad, to why you have to sleep with two blankets, and why you chew on your knuckle when your studying. Embry, you don’t just cross my mind, you… you live in it. I- I just miss you,” Stiles has slowly gotten closer while he was talking, “And I never meant you hurt you.”

    Embry is speechless. She didn’t know he felt that way. Without warning, she throws her arms around him, burying her face in his chest. Her pain melts away.  She missed him.

    “I missed you too,” Embry whispers, “I just was trying to lose my feelings for you. I don’t want to love a guy that doesn’t love me back.” Embry looks up, locking her green eyes with his brown one.

    “Who said I didn’t?” Stiles crashes his lips to Embry’s. Embry is stunned at first, but soon kisses him back.

    “I’m sorry,” Embry pulls back and presses her forehead to his.

    “For what?” Stiles is clearly out of breath.

    “Not doing that before,” Embry chuckles and presses her lips against his again.

    “Dude!” The small duo break apart, smiling sheepishly, “That’s my sister!” It’s Scott. Embry can tell he isn’t being serious.

    “Sorry,” Stiles yells, Embry just smiles.

    “No you’re not,” She giggles.

    “You’re right,” Stiles picks Embry up and spins her. Embry just laughs. This is the happiest she’s been in a long time.


    Embry and Stiles are in Stiles room. Embry laying on the bed, staring at the ceiling, Stiles sitting behind his laptop.

    “Stiles?” Embry sits up on her elbow.

    “Hmm,” Stiles doesn’t turn around. Embry is afraid he might go into hyperfocus mode.

    “Whatcha doin?” Embry is bored. She want to do something.

    “I am trying to fit all the pieces together. Figure out what is going on,” Stiles spins in his chair to look at her.

    “Well, what's your theory?” Embry rolls over on her stomach, resting her chin in her hands.

    “Human sacrifices. You know, they were all virgins, so i’m thinking, maybe…” Stiles trails off.

    “What does Scott think?”

    “He blames the Alpha pack. But these murders don’t look to wolfie, ya know?” Stiles is now pacing, “I just have a weird feeling about it.”

    “I believe you. Your feelings are usually right,” Embry stands up and walks over to him, “hey,” Embry grabs his face in her hands, “It’ll be okay. We’ll solve this. We did with Jackson, we will now.” Embry smiles at him.

    “When did you get so smart?” Stiles smirks and places his hands on her hips.

    “About the time I got shot in the back with an arrow,” Embry chuckles and pulls away, “Now, let's solve this, okay?”

    “Alright,” Stiles smiles, then his eyes widen, “Hey, I forgot. I uh, I got you something.” Embry furrows her eyebrows.

    “Why?” She is hesitant as Stiles pulls a black box from his bag.

    “Scott,” Stiles waits, grimacing at what he is about to say, “Scott told me. About, ya know…”

    Embry sighs and throws her head back, “I asked him not to.” She whispers.

    “Why didn’t you say anything?”

    “I’m sure Scott told you. I just… I just didn’t want to be a burden.”

    “Well, you’re not, so here,” Stiles awkwardly hands her the box, scratching the back of his neck uncomfortably.

     Embry slowly opens the box. A black bracelet sits on a bed of velvet. There’s a puzzle piece sits on the leather band. A smile dances on Embry lips as she look to the boy.

    “I know your not about the whole flashy stuff, but i figured, maybe you could alway have a piece of me,” Stiles holds out his wrist, a white bracelet like hers rest there. Embry smiles and delicately pulls the bracelet on.

    “Thank you,” She whispers, her face close to his. Embry can smell the mint off his breath. Stiles smirks a bit.

    “Of course,” Stiles awkwardly pulls away and scratches the back of his neck.


It be me and this is late. As always. But anyways. I started a new Marvel fic and I hate myself for it. woops. Whatever. I think I'm dropping out of Uni. It's to much for me and makes my anxiety act up. Oh well. I don't think I want to finish. It;s not my favorite thing in the world. Oof.

1223 words

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