Act I Scene XIII

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Embry is getting out of the hospital. The day after her surgery, she got a check up. They couldn't find anything wrong, so she is now leaving. They kept her an extra night for examination. The boys are finally going back to school too. They have been staying with her. Things between Scott and Melissa are uncomfortable. They barley are around each other.

Everyone has come to visit her but Allison. Embry understands. She blames Derek for her mom's death. She was so blinded by grief, she wasn't thinking clearly.

Everything feels like it's in slow motion. Embry can feel, hear, and see everything. It gets frustrating. Her panic attacks are worse than ever. And she has nightmares. Everytime she closed her eyes, she can see it over and over again. Screaming in Matt's face, the fighting, getting shot, and Stiles. Falling helplessly and she can't save him. Sometimes it gets worse. It as if it is showing her what could have happened.

"Okay kiddo. Derek said he would drive you home since I have to work. You don't have to go back today. But you do tomorrow," Melissa kisses the top of Embry's head as the girl nods.

"Okay," Embry nods and pull her hood over her head. She is wearing Stiles hoodie and black PINK leggings. Embry grabs her phone and heads out.

"Love you, sweetie," Melissa yells after her.

"Love you too, Mom," Embry smiles and steps into the sun. She's missed this warmth.

"Embry!" Derek yells out the passenger side window. Embry climbs in the car.

"Thanks for the ride Derek," Embry doesn't smile much. Not after she found out that Matt was dead. She should be happy. But it just means the Kanima has a new master. This one could be worse.

"Anytime, Kid," Derek starts driving. Embry is silent as she stares out the window, "Why are you so quiet?"

"Just tired," Embry blinks. Her face lacking emotion.

"You've been sleeping for the past two days," Derek smirks.

"Yeah, well, I did get shot. With an arrow," Embry bluntly states. She doesn't want to deal with this.

"I get shot all the time," Derek glances at her, with eyebrows raised.

"Derek. If you don't remember. I am a human," Derek hears Embry's heart rate jump for a second, "I think." Embry whispers under her breath. The rest of the ride is silent.

"Here's your stop," Derek parks the car, "Be safe. Please."

"Will do captain," Embry silutes. A small smile crossing her lips.

Derek doesn't leave until Embry's safe inside her room. Embry locks her room and gets in the shower.

The girls sighs as the hot water runs over her. She closes her eyes. Flashes appear in her eyes as her fingers tracing the scene on the shower walls. Stiles winning the shot at tomorrow's game. A wolf with dark fur.


"You know when you're drowning, you don't actually inhale until right before you black out," Stiles is speaking with the counsellor. Embry is sitting at her desk. Tears running down her face, her eyes a white/silver color as she draws whatever's in her head, "It's called voluntary apnea. It's like no matter how much you're freaking out, the instinct to not let any water in is so strong that you won't open your mouth until you feel like your head's exploding. But then when you finally do let it in, that's when it stops hurting. It's not scary anymore. It's actually kind of peaceful." Embry is holding someone underwater. They don't move.

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