Act II Scene XIII

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A Deal With The Devil

    “So, you’ve heard?” A smirk comes across his lips as Embry flinches.

    “No,” Embry throws on a fake confidence, “I saw.”

    “You already know what going to happen,” Embry hesitates, the monster doesn’t miss it, “Or do you?”

    Embry presses her lips in a thin line as Deucalion walks in circles around her, “The future is ever changing Miss McCall.”

    “Yeah,” Embry scoffs, “I’ve noticed.”  

    “Miss McCall,” The way he says her name sends shivers down her spine, “You don’t have a pack yet. You barely know what to do with your abilities. You don’t know how powerful you really are. I could help you. Together we could create peace with the hunters. You could save everybody.” Embry stares at her feet. She knows he is the bad guy. But she has a feeling she should say yes. One of the Oracle feelings.

    “I can practically hear the wheels turning, Miss McCall,” He already knows her answer.

    “Okay,” Embry whispers, fiddling with her bracelet. She feels like she is betraying everyone, “As long as you or one of the pack doesn’t hurt my friends or my family.”

    “It’s a deal Miss McCall,” He extends his hand, and Embry hesitantly shakes it, “Now, would you be so kind to lead me back up towards the roof?”

    “Yes, sir,” Embry nods, taking his arm and she starts towards the destination.

    Embry clings to Deucalion's arm, her nerves are shot. Scott reaches the roof, just like in Embry’s vision. Scott’s eyebrows knit together, “Embry?”

    “Scott,” Embry’s voice breaks, her words choking her.

    “They're gone,” His eyes start watering.

“Guardians, Scott,” Deucalion’s voice rings out, “If you were with me, I could've told you what it meant. I could've warned you. Let me help you, Scott. Let's help each other. You help me catch her, and I'll help you get your mother and Stiles's father back.” Embry silently shakes her head at him. Giving him a look that she has it under control.

    “Scott?” Stiles appears behind the young McCall and Embry’s heart breaks, “Embry?” Stiles eyes flash with hurt and betrayal. Embry gives him a look. Begging him to trust her, to give her the benefit of the doubt.

“Don’t worry Stiles,” Scott stands up a bit straighter, “I’m not going with him.”

Deucalion tsks, “You’re fighting a losing battle, Scott.” Stiles eyes flick to Embry.

“Princess?” Embry’s heart plummets, tears coming to her eyes, “Em, don’t do this. Don’t go with him.”

“There’s no other way,” Her voice is small, but they can hear her, “I have to save you guys. I don’t know what else to do.”

“Embry, please, there's got to be something else, okay?” Scott stops Stiles from walking to far forward, “We always we always have a plan B.”

    Embry shakes her head, “Not this time,” She sniffs and wipes her tears with her free hand, “I’m gonna find your dad, okay?” Embry nods along with her words, “I’m gonna find mom. I’ll… I’ll save everyone.”

“Embry,” Stiles goes to rush forward, but Scott holds him in place.

Embry sits on Deucalion's couch, her back stiff, her ears open.

She is just a teenager,” Khali seeths in the other room, “I say, we kill her and take her powers.”

Deucalion tsks, “It doesn’t work that way with Oracles. They are rare. And she can’t be away from the banshee for too long, so we need to hurry and figure out a plan.”

In the other room, Aiden stiffens a the mention of his girlfriend. Embry tunes them out, focusing on Stiles and his future. She just wants him to make it out of here alive. Embry closes her eyes, focusing.

Embry falls into a vision. Quite literally, as she just fell on her butt in the vision. Stiles jeep is smoking and crashed into a tree. Embry gasps and checks the car for him. He is laying in the driver's seat, passed out. His forehead bleeding.

“That’s enough of that, Embry,” A distant voice pulls her from her vision. Her vision fades back and Deucalion stands in front of her. Embry wipes her nose, finding silver blood. Embry stares at it.

“So, what's our next move?” Khali crosses her arms, glaring at Embry.

“It’s Embry,” A smirk comes across Deucalion’s features. His eyes glowing behind his sunglasses.

    The warm breeze caresses Embry as it flows through the trees. The tall woods tower over her. She sits criss cross on the hard dirt. Centering herself.

    “Embry,” Ethan's voice makes her jump. She always liked him better out of the twins.

    “Hello,” Her voice is quiet but full of some sort of confidence.

    “You shouldn’t be here,” Ethan sits down next to her. Looking over the empty meadow, “You should be with Scott. With your friends.”

    “I know,” Embry sits up straighter, taking a deep breath. She feels like she hasn’t been able to breath properly since she been here, “But, I have to protect them. I have to save the people I love.”

    “Even if that means going against everything you believe in?”

    Embry turns, staring into his eyes, “I will do anything to protect the ones I love.”

    “I hope so,” With that, Ethan gets up and leaves. Embry lets out her breath and closes her eyes. Wishing she was still back in San Francisco in the crappy apartment she shared with her dad. Wishing everything was normal.

    But then she thinks about it, she would’ve never met Lydia or Allison. She wouldn’t have a relationship with her mom or Scott. She wouldn’t know about being adopted. She would have never met Stiles.

    The constellation boy who keeps her from floating away to live with the stars. The boy she solves crimes with. The blogger to her consulting detective. The angel to her hunter. The Stiles to her Embry.

    Her missing piece. She loves him so much. Embry has to keep him safe. No matter what.

Hello dude. I know this is a bit short, but I have news. *drumroll please*
I thought about it for a long time before I made my final decision. I already went through the immagration process. I just didn't want to say anything to anyone till it was a done deal. My flight is in two weeks and I already have an apartment in New York! You guys have no idea how excited I am.
1074 words.

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