Act II Scene XV

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    Embry is laying on her back in a field. The sun warming her tan skin. She closes her eyes and lets out a sigh.

    Next to her, Stiles lays on his side. Propping up his head on his hand. The sun shines through his eyes, making them seem as if they are glowing. Stiles runs his free hand in random patterns along her arms and hands.

    “Em?” Stiles breaks the silence. Making a smile cross Embry’s face, “Princess?” There is a grin in Stiles voice.

    “Hmm,” Embry hums. Goosebumps popping up from Stiles’ hands.

    “What are you thinking about?” Stiles voice is so soft and smooth. Unlike his usual stuttering and choppy sentences.

    “Oh,” Embry lets the breath escape her lips, “I’m thinking about how I wish this were real.” Stiles eyebrows furrow.

    “What are you talking about? This is real,” Stiles chuckles at the end.

    “No,” Embry’s eyelashes flutter open, looking to the boy, “No you’re not. This is in my head. I know because this is one of my dreams.”

    Stiles backs out a laugh, “Oh really? If this was in your head, could I do this?” Stiles leans forwards and presses his lips to her. Butterflies seem to explode from the ground all around them.

    “Yeah, you could. But it’s okay,” Embry places her hands on the sides of Stiles face, “We can stay here for as long as I like.” Stiles grins.

    “Really?” A smirk comes over his features as he places his hands on her waist.

    “Really,” Embry smiles and nods, connecting their lips.

    On the outside Deaton has just finished asking the Oracle questions. About it’s power, about the future, about what it’s seen. Now it’s time to pull her back out.

    “Okay Lydia, just sit next to her, grab her hand, and ask her to come back,” Deaton instructs. Lydia nods and take a seat, grasping Embry’s hand like a lifeline.

    “Embry? It’s okay now. You can wake up now,” Lydia’s voice is low and full of worry. The wolf doesn’t stir.

    “She doesn’t want to leave,” A soft voice that almost sounds like a song flows from her mouth. It's the Oracle.

    “Please, we need her back,” Lydia pleads, her grip tightening.

    “Embry likes where she is. She is peaceful and happy,” The Oracles voice is smooth and calm, unlike Embry’s usual shaking and stampering.

    “Listen-” Isaac is growing angry, and is about to cut in, but Deaton holds him back.

    “I wouldn’t touch her,” Deaton warns, “See those heat hazes running off her body? And I’m sure you noticed we are all sweating.”

    “Very good Deaton,” A ghost of a smile brushes her pink lips, “It’s a defence mechanism. The only reason Lydia is touching her right now is because of the connection shared with the banshee.”

    “Defence mechanism?’ Isaac furrows his eyebrows, his blue eyes clouded with confusion.

    “Her body temperature has raised significantly to make sure she doesn’t go into hypothermia while she is in a coma,” The Oracle explains, “Touch her and you will be burned.”

    The three teens gasp, their lungs filling with air as they slosh out of the tubs. Waters that falls on Embry sizzles and turns to steam. Deaton, Lydia, and Isaac shuffle in the room.

    “I saw it. I know where it is,” Alison rushes. Not noticing the steam rolling off them due to the heat in the air.
    “We passed it. There's-” Stiles cut Scott off.

“-There's a stump, this huge tree. Well, it's not huge anymore. It was cut down. But it's still big, though, very big,” Stiles is making weird hand gestures as they fail to notice the comatose girl behind them.
    They continue talking, but in mid sentence, Stiles stops, whipping his head around to see the boiling girl.

“Embry,” He rushes forwards, sliding on the water, Scott gets to her first. The young McCall goes to places a hand on her arm, but draws back, hissing, before he even touches her. Holding his burnt fingers.

Stiles easily places his hands on her shoulders, shaking her a bit.

That won’t work,” Stiles yanks his hands backwards, almost falling.

“W-what the hell? Deaton?” Stiles whiskey eyes search the vet’s.

“She hasn’t woken up. The Oracle says she likes where she is,” There is a sad look in Deaton’s eyes.

“She has too,” Stiles voice breaks, “She has to come back,” Stiles grabs Embry’s hand, “You have to wake up.”

You have to wake up,” The words flow into Embry’s ears. She pulls away from Stiles’ kiss.

“You’re going to leave me, aren’t you?” Stiles eyes fill with understanding.

“I am. But this is all in my head, so, I’m actually going back to him,”  A content smile crosses Embry’s lips. She closes her eyes, “See ya on the other side.” Embry salutes and opens her eyes.

Embry’s eyelashes flutter open, revealing a fading silver. The temperature in the room starts to dwindle.

“Stiles? Scott? What happened? What time is it?” Embry sits up and starts rushing around. Blind to all the bewildered looks, “Guys?”

“Embry, you’ve been out longer than any of us. Deaton said you refused to wake up,” Scotty hesitates.

“How long have I been out?”

“Well, we were out for sixteen hours, and you were out for eighteen,” Allison explains.

“Yeah,” Stiles steps forwards, “And the moon rises in less then two.”

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