Act II Scene IV

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   “I looked everywhere. It's like he just walked away,” Scott and Stiles are now in the boys locker room. Embry is in the girls locker room, listening to their conversation, while getting ready for cross country, “Left his car, his dog.”

    “Okay. Was he, like could he have been a virgin maybe?” Stiles rummages through his locker, “Did he look like a virgin? Was he, you know, virginal?”

    “No,  definitely not,” Embry furrows her eyebrows, “Deaton makes me have sex with all of his clients. It's a new policy. No, I don't know if he was a virgin. And why are you talking like he's already dead? He's just missing,” Scott shuts his locker. Embry giggles at his joke.

    “Missing and presumed dead because he's probably a virgin, Scott. And you know who else is a virgin? Me. I'm a virgin, okay? And you know what that means? It means that my lack of sexual experience is now literally a threat to my life,” Stiles starts getting louder, “Okay, I need to have sex, like, right now. Someone needs to have sex with me, like, today. Like, someone needs to sex me right now!” Stiles slams his locker shut. Embry tries to keep herself from busting out laughing.

    “Okay, I’ll do it,” It seems Danny has shown up. Embry tunes out and finishes tying her shoes. A smirk on her face.


    “Pace yourselves!” Coach blows his whistle, everyone starts running, “I’m looking at you baby McCall.” Embry rolls her eyes and picks up speed. Passing Scott and Isaac, who were talking in hushed whispers. Soon the twins, Ethan and Aiden pass her. Smirks plastered on their faces. That just pisses Embry off. She did not work all summer just to be passed by two little twats who don’t know how to behave.

    Embry pushes her body harder, urging it to go faster than them. She soon catches up to them, Embry laughs a bit as she passes, shocked looks on their once smug features. Something, more like someone, grabs her arm, throwing her backwards. Embry’s back slams against a tree, knocking the wind out of her.

    Aiden walks slowly down the hill, his claws and teeth growing. Embry gasps and sputters, trying to get the spots to leave her vision. A growl sounds from the tops of the hill, Isaac is tackling Ethan. Embry slowly gets to her hands and knees, her lungs aching. Aiden turns around, rushing to help his brother.

    Once Embry knows he’s distracted, she starts crawling away. Trying to get as far from them as possible. When she is finally able to stand, she starts running. It’s kind of hard because she can barely breathe, but she gets far enough.
    Embry finally stops, looking around. She can’t stop the scream from escaping her lips. In front of her, a dead body is pulled against a tree, only held up by a dogs leash.


    “Tell me Embry, how did you find him again?” Stilinski is standing in front of her, Embry is trying to stop staring at the body.

    “We, um, I…” Embry trails off, her eyes wandering back to the body. Vomit rises in her throat, she kinda wants to cry, “I’m in cross country,” Embry finally chokes out, “I was on the trails, ahead of everyone, and I tripped.

    Embry is completely lying, she knows the Sheriff has no idea what's going on, “When I got up, he was just, he was-” Embry’s breath becomes uneven as she tries not to cry. This is the second dead body she has been near in the past month. It’s not fun.

    “Hey, It’s okay alright. It's okay,” Stilinski wraps his arms around her, “Were gonna get this guy, okay?” They pull apart.

    “Yeah,” Embry lets out a sad laugh and wipes her tears. Stiles stands a few feet away waiting to be able to hold her. Waiting to be able to tell her it’s okay.

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