Act I Scene XV

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Where The Hell Is Stiles?

"-I got an APB out on Stiles. His jeep is still out in the parking lot, which, I don't know what that means," Stilinski runs a hand down his face. Embry's leg bounces, she's sitting on a bench, a million thoughts racing through her head. She starts chewing on her thumb. Her headache getting worse. Embry zones out. Thinking of what could happen. Would she find his body in a ditch? Destroyed by werewolves or cut in half? Would he still be hanging on? Would he blame her?

"Embry, come on," Scott helps her up and leads her away, "Are you alright?"

"Not really," Embry chuckles dryly staring at the ground as they walk.

"Hey," Scott stops, "We'll find him."

"Will he still be breathing?" Embry walks ahead, crossing her arms, "Hey, I think I'm gonna head over to Stiles. Just in case he comes back, ya know?"

"Okay, be careful. Call me if he shows up," Embry nods and starts walking.


"He's upstairs," Stilinski runs a hand down his face. Embry nods and runs up there.

"Hello?" Embry pushes the door open, "Your dad let me in."

"Of course he did," Stiles lets out a small laugh and looks at the floor. Embry steps forward, placing her small, cold hand on his cheeks.

"What happened?" Concern fills her.

"It's nothing," Stiles grabs her hands, sitting on his bed.

"Please, tell me," Embry leans her head against his shoulder.

"It was Gerard. He has Erica and Boyd," Anger boils in Embry's stomach. She jumps up and starts pacing.

"I'm going to demolish him. I told him, I told him not to hurt any-"

"Hey, hey, hey," Stiles gets up and puts his hands on her shoulders. Stopping her, "Don't do that. You don't need to get hurt too."

"I don't care about me, Stiles," Embry puts a hand on his face, searching his whiskey colored eyes, "I care about you."

"See, that's the problem. You don't care about getting hurt. But you know how I'll feel? I'll be devastated. And if you die, I will literally go out of my freakin' mind," Tears gather in the corner of Embry's eyes, "You see, death doesn't happen to you, Embry. It happens to everyone around you, okay? To all the people left standing at your funeral, trying to figure out how they're gonna live the rest of their lives now without you in it?" Stiles starts pacing.

"When you were in the hospital, when everyone thought you were going to die, everyone was crying. Even Derek, even Boyd. Hell Erica had something nice to say about you. Huh? And look at my face! Come on, you actually think this was meant to hurt me?" Tears now fall silently down her cheeks, "I... I'm sorry."

"It's fine," Embry wipes her tears, she is sick and tired of crying, "I'll find him myself."

"Wait, Em!" But she was already gone.


Embry doesn't pay attention, she just runs. Finally looking up, she is at a warehouse. A loud bang comes from inside it. Embry quietly sneaks in.

A nasty smell fills her nose. Like the smell from the hospital, just not as bad. Embry ignores it and continues into the building.

"Jackson?" The kanima turns its eyes towards her. It's hand tightening around Allison's throat. Scott is dragging Derek.

"Embry, get out of here," Derek warns. He is having trouble breathing.

"No. He can't hurt me," Embry walks forward.

"Embry? What a lovely surprise? Jackson," Gerard looks to the lizard. He looks conflicted. Embry walks forward a bit more.

"Embry, get out of here. Now," Scott growls.

"No," Embry says sternly. Standing in front of the kanima.

"Jackson," Gerard demands. The kanima flicks it eyes to him.

"Hey," Embry's voice is soft, "You won't hurt me. You can't."

"Embry, stop," Allison wheezes.


"Scott, get her," Scott stiffens at Gerard's words. He drops Derek.

"You're really going to listen to him?" Embry stumbles back a bit.

"I'm sorry," Scott whispers.

"All of this? You're doing all of this for some girl? A girl you probably won't end up with? Scott, I am your sister," Embry walks backwards. Trying not to trip.

"Just go with it," Scott whispers when they are far enough away. Embry rolls her eyes as Scott ties her wrists together with a random piece of rope.

Embry just kind of ignores him after that. Of course he had a plan. Why would he be working with Gerard?

"Kill them! Kill them all!" Embry is too far back to see anything. So she just leans her head back, waiting. They'll pull through. No one's dying tonight. She has a good feeling about it.

oof that was short. anyways, this is the end to part one. Imma put up a little qna for the characters and the actors. Hope you guys have enjoyed it so far!
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