Act II Scene XVI

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A Monster In Monster's Clothing

Embry sprints through the woods. Her black and brown fur slicked back against the wind, making her go faster. The wolf lets out a howl and pushes itself faster. Its red eyes blazing as it turns its nose to the air. Sniffing out her mother.

Embry stops sniffing the air, and takes off towards her mother. She is stopped when Deucalion steps in front of her.

“Embry,” Deucalion tsks, “I really didn’t think you’d be so stupid to go against her on your own.” Embry lets out a whimper. But that soon turns to a growl.

“You can change back, I AM blind,” Deucalion sounds annoyed. Embry bares her teeth, but obliges, changing back. Deucalion hands her his jacket as Embry stands up straighter shrugging it on.

“Come on, we have work to do,” Deucalion gestures for her to follow.

“Scott, go home,” Embry demands.

“No,” Scott stands tall in front of her and Deucalion.

“You may be an alpha now, but I am still older, and Scott you need to listen to me,” Embry snarls, but there is pleading in her voice, “You need to go home. Now.”

“I said no Embry. You need to stop fighting my battles for me,” Scott’s eyes soften as Embry presses her lips together, turning her eyes away from his.

“Scott,” Deucalion smiles, “So glad you could finally join us.”

“Are you ready, Jennifer?” Jennifer walks into the building with Derek, forcing  Embry to let out a growl, “Hmm? Did you gather your herbs? Pray to your ancient Gods and your oak trees? Slit a baby's throat, perhaps?” Embry stifles a laugh. Now is not the time, “Should we show them why you needed to sacrifice, nine innocent people,” Deucalion steps forwards, changing into a monster, “Just to face me? Or is it 12 now?” Deucalion's eyes glow a threatening red.

Jennifer is now on the ground, Scott standing over her threateningly.

“Kill her,” Deucalion smirks, “Do it. Now kill her,” Embry growls and takes a protecting step towards Scott.
    “Your parents are dying. That storm you hear, she's burying them alive.
It's her connection to the Telluric currents. Kill her, and it ends.” Embry is really considering ripping his head off.

“It won't end,” Jennifer cowers backwards, “Not with me. He'll have you kill everyone you love. It's what he does.”
    “Scott,” Embry’s voice is a bit softer, but still holds power.

“They're dying, Scott. Your mother and the parents of your best friends,” Deucalion encourages, “Kill her now, and it's over. Become the Alpha you're meant to be. Become a killer.”
    “They’re not dead yet,” Scott glares. Embry takes a step back, her eyes changing.

“And who's going to save them, your friends?” Deucalion sneers. Okay, now Embry really wants to kill him.

“My pack,” Scott growls.

I kniow this is short and the past few chapters have been too. I'm just working on the moving thing and it's really hard. But there is only one chapter left till the second book you guys I am so excited. There are too more characters I'm introducing and they are the cutest things ever.
524 words

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