Act II Scene XI

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The Oracle

    Embry is driving with Lydia in the car. They are supposed to be going to get sushi, but they end up at the school.

    The two girls get out of the car, kind of in a trance. Chanting flows through Embry’s ears. Snapping her from the magic spell.

    “Lydia,” When Embry puts her hand on Lydia’s shoulder, Lydia jerks, “Call Allison. I’ll call Scott and Stiles.”

    “What?” Lydia is confused.

“Just call Allison. Now,” Embry demands as she pulls out her phone.

    “Where is she?” Stiles demands to Allison.

    “Over here,” Allison lead the two boys to the entrance of the school. Embry and Lydia are clinging to each other's hands.
    “Lydia? Embry?”

    “It's the same thing,” Lydia speaks. Embry can’t seem to find her voice at the moment. The chanting in her head is so loud, “Same thing as the pool. I got into the car heading somewhere totally different, and ended up here. And you told me to call you if there's a dead body.”

    “You found a dead body?” Stiles get all excited. Embry glances at him. He is only paying attention to the redhead.

    “Not yet,” Lydia swallows, fear in her gaze. Embry gives her hand a tight squeeze.

    “‘Not yet’? What do you mean ‘not yet’? Lydia, you're supposed to call us after you find the dead body,” Stiles spazzes. Embry wonders if he even realises she there.

    “Oh, no, I'm not doing that again. You find the dead body from now on,” Lydia stands, pulling Embry with her.

    “How are we supposed to find the dead body? You're always the one finding the dead body.”

    “Guys,” Scott cuts in, “I found the dead body.”

    Embry is sitting in class. She has her headphones in and she is doodling on the edge of her notebook. A wolf, howling.

    A tap on her shoulder grabs her attention. Embry pulls out an earbud.

    “Yes?” Embry does not like Ms. Blake touching her.

    “No headphones in my class, Miss McCall,” Embry rolls her eyes and pulls her headphones out, going back to doodling, “Embry I would like you to stay after class today.” Ms. Blake lowers her voice. Embry just rolls her eyes again and nods.

    “My grade is fine so, why am I here?” Embry sneers.

    “Y-yes, your grade is actually amazing,” Ms. Blake reaches under her desk to grab something, “It’s just that, I can’t have an Oracle poking around in my business.” With that, Ms. Blake blows a black powder into Embry’s face, knocking her out.

    “Have any of you seen Embry?” Lydia walks up to the group during the recital. She’s been missing for hours and no one has noticed.

    “No, I thought she went to work,” Scott furrows his eyebrows.

    “She doesn’t work Wednesdays,” Stiles shakes his head, checking his phone. He doesn’t seem to worried, “She’s probably with Allison or something.”

    Lydia rolls her eyes and walks out. A message pinging on her phone.

    Embry’s eyes flutter open. She is tied to a chair, Lydia sitting across from her, just waking up.

    “Lyd, Lydia?” Embry struggles to get to her.

    “Embry?” Fear laces through Lydia’s voice, her heart going thousands of miles an hour.

    Ms. Blake walks out of the shadows. A smirks on her lips.

    “W-what are you doing?” Lydia finds the courage to speak.

    “What's necessary. I'm still surprised none of you seem to get that. You call them sacrifices, but you're not understanding the word,” Ms. Blake begins to wrap a cord around Lydia’s throat, “It's derived from the Latin sacrificium, an offering to a deity, a sacred rite. A necessary evil.”

    Embry struggles and fights against her restraints. Whatever Ms. Blake blew at her is making her weak.

    “Stop,” Lydia cries.

    “Leave her alone!” Embry yells.
    “Oh, I wish I could. But you don't know the alphas like I do,” Ms. Blake grimace, like flinching at a bad memory.
    “Please, stop,” Lydia begs as Embry stops fighting. Clenching her eyes shut.
    “But you, Lydia, you're not a sacrifice. You're just a girl who knows too much.
Actually, a girl who knew too much,” Ms. Blake tightens the rope as Lydia grabs at it. Embry opens her eyes, shining bright red, as the two girls let out a scream. Their screams seem to interweave themselves, growing louder and louder. Ms. Blake lets go of the rope, walking around the two girls.
    “Unbelievable. You two have no idea what you are, do you? The wailing woman and the prophet. Where there's a banshee, there an Oracle, and both right before my eyes. You two are exactly like me. Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it. It's too bad, though,” Ms. Blake resumes her position behind Lydia, “And too late.”

    “No,” Lydia whimpers, “please.”

    “One last philosopher,” Ms. Blake smirks. The classroom door bursts open.

     “Drop it!” The sheriff screams, “There was a girl. Years ago, we found her in the woods, her face and body slashed apart,” He hesitates, “That was you, wasn't it?

     “Maybe I should've started with philosophers,” Ms. Blake walks towards him, he fires. Embry flinches, “with knowledge and strategy.” Ms. Blake keeps moving.

    “Healers,” She throws the knife she was gonna use to kill the girls. It lodges itself in Stilinski's shoulder, “Warriors, Guardians,” Ms. Blake presses her lips to Sheriff Stilinski’s, “Virgins.”

    Embry fights her restraints, trying to save him. She squeezes her eyes shut again. She doesn’t want to watch him die, she can’t.

    There is loud bangs and growls, but she shuts everything out. To scared to open her eyes.

Oof this is short. I'm tired and I have work in an hour.
951 words

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