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This is the first fan fiction/story that I’ve had written…. inspired by the refreshing friendship and love of Sarah and Gerald for each other and the loving support of all the people (Ashralds, Popsters and Geraldnaticsx)  who love them. Yes life is not easy for them, there are people who have only look at them not as two individuals with feelings prone to feel pain, sufferings, and love; but just as public figure that can be molded like robots to do what they wanted. 

But like the sayings “True Love will conquer even the hardest battle,” at the end, if they are meant to be together, then it will happen.  Will Love be sufficient enough to see them through the rough roads in their journey towards a life together as one that will last forever and infinity?

(This story is merely an imaginary presumption of what is happening in the lives of two people we admired most.  No intention to offend anybody for that matter).

NB:  My deepest appreciation to all my virtual friends in the social network, writers of Ashralds FF and most especially to Sarah Geronimo and Gerald Anderson for the inspirations. 

OUR LOVE WILL SEE US THROUGHTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon