Chapter 16: Our Angel

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Sasa & Gege POV

“What you mean to me you'll never know

Deep inside we need to show

You came into our life, sent from above

Never did we dream such a perfect love

And we’ll  adore you till the end of time

Our Angel”

The new parents are very happy and excited.  Their first born will be baptized and welcomed to the Christian world.  They have completed the list of “NInangs and Ninongs”.  Although they wanted to accommodate everyone who wishes to be Godparents, but they limit it only to ten pairs, mostly their close and special friends.   The list includes among others - KC and  Christian, Young JV and Yeng, Mark and Shin, Marco and Lara, Ate Shine and Fred, Luis and Jenny,  Enchong and Julia,   Gab V and Teacher G,  Anne C and  Jed,  Maja and Ken   The family agreed to named their angel “Gabriel Andrew”

Gerald is hands on in caring for his princess and his little angel.  He also wanted to supervise the preparation for the Christening of his son.  A proud father, he does take charge of the preparation of his bath and always watch while Sarah feeds his son.  Sarah:  Babe, you don’t have to do this, you will be spoiling me and baby Andrew.   Gerald:  I love to do  this for you and our angel, Baby Andrew.  You know I will do anything to make you happy and make our family well provided.   Gerald kissed her on her forehead and bend to give his son a kiss; then mischievously kiss her on her breast as she was breast feeding their son.  “Can I also have a shared of our baby’s milk” while softly caress her there.

Sarah:  Heh, stop your ploy, I know that move.   Laughing, while she removes his hand from where it landed.      Seriously, Babe, you’ve done enough and I really appreciate whatever you are doing, but you have to relax and don’t be too serious on life.  Together we will do it.  You’re not alone on this.  I am you partner for life and through thickness and thin, we will be together.   Mommy Vangie tells me you are working so hard, as if there will be no tomorrow.

Gerald:  Don’t worry Babe, I will be readjusting my schedules because I wanted to witness  how Baby Andrew and teach him how to be a good boy like me and we will soon be making a baby sister for him. So it will really make me busy in the house.

Sarah:  Heh, you are at it again.  Baby Andrew is only 2 weeks old, and you’re thinking of having his baby sister. 

Gerald:  Since we are at it, I want to space the ages of our children. I don’t like seeing you in pain.  If it is possible, I am willing to carry it for you.  But I really wanted a big family; I want to see this house filled with happy and healthy kids, our little angels.

Sarah:  How many are we going to make. Mister.  Smiling

Gerald:  Well, my wish is to fill this house with a basketball team. .. Since we have Baby Andrew, we still need four boys then one muse.   Sarah pinched his leg and laughed out loud which wake up Baby Andrew and looked at them both.    Baby, Shhhh; putting his hand gently to his son’s leg;  we just discussing about your baby sister.  

Then he continued,  so let see, am 27 now,  after  2 years, we have our baby girl, then we have twins,    how old will we be to have our youngest child, Let me count.  Sarah shrieked and looked at him.  Are you serious?  I will no longer be doing anything then but.   Geraldo, I don’t like your idea. Pouting and looking serious.

Then Gerald touched her head and whisper, we  are partners on this, Love you. And embrace her and his child.  HeH, Geraldo,

Mommy D knocked, our lunch is ready and  your Ninang Juday and Ryan are waiting for you downstair.  Thank you Mommy, we will go down.  

They greeted Juday and Ryan and the two kids.  Juday got hold of Baby Andrew and showed him to Ryan and the kids.  Wow, so cute and handsome.  Gerald:  Definitely like his dad.  Everyone laughed.  Sarah:  WEhh.. His eyes are mine. Looked.  Ryan patted Gerald on his shoulder,   I salute you man.  You really showed us that our princess really have chosen the right and perfect man.  

Sarah:  Kuya Rye, don't let him get his head swell.  He's already making my head spin with his plan of having a basketball team.  Gerald, still hugging her, winked at Kuya Ryan and Ate Juday.  Everyone laughed and joked Sarah that  they can produce more  good looking and handsome kids with their looks.

Mommy D interrupted telling them the food is ready:    Let’s all eat, Vangie and I prepared food for us to share.  They all proceeded to the dining room.  Gerald beamed.  Wow, special day.   Mommy D gets Baby Andrew from Juday to let Juday eat together with them. 

Juday:  When will you have the Christening of Baby Andrew?  Gerald told them that he is setting the preparation scheduled for next month.  Again it will be  a solemn celebration with only the close and special friends of the family.  Juday then offer her assistance to make the necessary arrangement.  They have agreed to have  the christening on first Saturday of May. 

Johan and Lucho play with Baby Andrew.  Lucho asked his Daddy Ryan when they will have small baby too.  Everyone laughed.  Juday answered ... soon Baby, lovingly looking at Ryan.  Sarah notice the look and asked, if her guess is true or not.   The Royal couple confirmed that Juday is on her 3rd month.  Sarah hugged her Ate Juday . Gerald gives Ryan a pat on his shoulder. 

The Christening celebration arrived.  The couple gave the exclusive coverage to Ms. Kris  Aquino’ s KrisTV.   The reception will be held in their restaurant, and catered with the catering service of Ate Juday.  All the  invited guest are able to attend.  In the program, the proud Daddy presented to the public his First Born Son  proudly saying:

Thank you for coming and celebrating with us,  another special moment in our life.  God is truly good to us, to me.  I am gifted with a very beautiful, loving and caring wife,  hugging Sarah on his side, a very wonderful wife and mother, and now, we are being gifted by God with an Angel, our first born “Gabriel Andrew”.  Then he lifted baby Andrew and proudly  show him to all the guest.  Everyone welcome him with loud round of applause.

Gerald’s friends led by Enchong shouted “You’re the Man Gerald".  Then the couple went around the tables for pictures and at the same introduce personally their angel to all their friends.

Then Mommy Vangie get Baby Andrew from Gerald and together with Mommy Divine bring him inside the room to rest.  Sarah and Gerald entertain the guests.  They had a little program and the ninangs and ninongs render  songs and dances.

After thanking all their guests, Sarah and Gerald also thank their parents and friends who have help them all throughout their journey as husband and wife specially mentioned is their Ate Juday and Ryan.

In their bedroom, Gerald wrapped his hand around Sarah and rest his lips on her head, and whisper:  no words can express how much happiness I am feeling now. I feel so complete with you, (Kiss her head and lifted her face to kiss her lips) and your gift .. our angel, Baby Andrew.  God really loves me so much when He sent you to me during that critical moment in my life.  You make me whole, and my life will not be complete anymore if you will not be in it.  I love you Babe so much and my love will be for eternity.

Sarah lovingly looked at him and touched his face,  Thank you also for coming into my life, for making me see the beauty of love, meaning of true happiness and you know, I will love you forever and eternity.  I can not also see myself without you in my life.  Love you babe, then kiss him lingeringly on his lips.

They slept with their hands around each other and cocooned  with love and pure happiness.

OUR LOVE WILL SEE US THROUGHTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon