Chapter 9: The Moment

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“How did this come to be

I don't know how you found me

But from the moment I saw you

Deep inside my heart I knew

What a night!!  After the concert, the whole family, with Sarah and Gerald, together with some of their  close friends, went straight to  IMOS Restaurant where Ate Shine and the group prepared  the get to together and thank you party.  Everyone were happy and shared stories of what they observed during the special drama that unfold during the concert.   Sarah and Gerald thanked everybody and gave special tribute to their parents and family.  At this point, Gerald decided to share to everyone everything about him that only Sarah and her family have knowledge.

Gerald:  This is indeed a very unforgettable moment for me and Sarah; one which will always be treasured in our hearts until the end of time.  Never in my entire life have I imagine how much God really loves me and make me whole again.  Before, I have been living in two worlds; one is the happy jet setter gigolo as perceived by the public and my true self who is just a sad little boy looking for something,  he,  himself did not know. 

Gerald kept silent for a moment taking a deep breath.  Sarah immediately held his hand and pressed it, sensing that her prince is having his nostalgic moments.  He then kissed her on her forehead and whispered “Thank you”, and then continued.  Well,   to continue, my growing years have been tough, since the moment I took over the place of being the “Padre de Pamilya” I promise to myself that no matter what happen in the future, I will provide my family, my mom, Ken and my other siblings, the luxury that has been deprived from us.  I will do everything under the sun to fulfil that promise.  Then the opportunity came, I was accepted as one of the aspirants in the PBB, became a contract star of Starbuilders, given so many projects  which in turn make me realize my dream of providing luxury to my family. Supposedly, I should feel happy and fulfilled but, there is this emptiness inside me, in my heart, and in my life.  I tried to find the answer by entering in so many relationships with girls that attracted me physically.  In the process, I caused pain to many which is not my intention and resulted to further making myself miserable. That moment was actually the lowest point of my life, I even think of making myself disappear from the face of earth because I knew then that in my pursuit of finding myself, I hurt them and even inflict pain to my family.  I woke up from that worst nightmare and with the loving support of my Mom; I rose and tried to make amends.  But again, I failed because at that time, I still have not found the right solution.

He can no longer control his tears and his audience as well are all teary eyes.  Sarah stayed beside him still holding his hands;   again I felt I am a failure.  At that lowest point in my life, I really prayed hard for guidance, I am supposed to quit showbizness; my life and my family had been greatly affected.

“But God is Good, He Truly is.  Out of the blue, a call from Ate Mhila, the best news I got, was the new project I will be making.  I got another chance, and for that I am very thankful to Starbuilders and Viva for still trusting me.  And the greatest news at that moment is that, my leading lady is none other than the most admired and loved, Popstar Princess. Ms. Sarah Geronimo.  I was shocked, she agreed to be my leading lady, knowing my situation at that time, a nobody,  an outcast and hated by so many because of the black smear against my person.  I was truly nervous at that time.  I then asked God, “Why me Lord”

“Then I met her up close and personal, I was star struck.  She was like an Angel, so beautiful (no makeup), so ethereal;    then she smile to me, I felt something jolted in my heart, some semblance of peace, that feeling that God sent  me this angel to save me  for further destruction, because God truly loves me.  Then I met her family, Mommy Divine, she was so kind and sweet, like my Mom.  At first, I am hesitant to talk to them because of the news that she is so strict and unapproachable.  I tell you, all the news about her were not true.  She is so loving and caring.   Then, I met Daddy Delfin, at first, wow, he’s cool. I miss my Dad and found that feeling of having someone to talk to; (men’s talk).  I said to myself then, Sarah is so lucky to have such wonderful parents and family and I really envy her.  Her family including her siblings, Ate Shine, Ate Joana and Gab, are so amazing, my first meeting actually is with Ate Shine, and she is also beautiful.  She’s so friendly and easy to talk with.    The first things she asked me is:  Are you interest with my sister?   Shocked with her question, I shake my head.  Then she said:  Good, if ever, you got interested, you have to pass through the screening committee.  We don’t want our sister to get hurt again by those who will like her because she is Sarah Geronimo.  So beware.  Looking at her petite size, I said to myself... the Geronimo clan are really tough”.  Everyone laughed.

 “Everytime I am  with them, I  feel loved, safe, happy and contented.  That feeling that you are being accepted without any pretensions, no guarantees and expecting nothing but full trust, great faith and honesty.    I am truly lucky that I was given the opportunity to be part of their family.”

Whew!  To Daddy D and Mommy D, with my heart, my deepest gratitude, for the acceptance, the kindness and the love you have given me.  We know, we passed through so many trials but you hold and keep me focused until I got hold of myself and truly understand the meaning of Family, and myself.  I owe you my second chance on life and my happiness.  Thank you for accepting me and allowing me to prove to you my sincerity and affection for your princess. I am really BLESSED and truly loved by GOD, because He made me see Real Love, Real Family and Real People who accepted me despite my flaws.   Thank you for making part of you family.

To my family, Mom, Ate, Ken, I love you so much, you know that.  Before, I admit, I can’t expressed  myself and show you how much I value our family; how much I love all of you; how much I wanted to give the world to you.  Now, I know that my love for you cannot be shown merely by giving you all the materials things I thought will make you all happy;   I wanted to make you feel how much I treasure our family.  I wanted you to feel that whatever sacrifices I made   I do it because I wanted to give the best to all of you.  Remember, anytime you need me, I will always be here to protect and love you.

To my Princess, no words can ever express how much I thank the Lord for sending you to me.  You of all people make me see things I never knew.  You made me understand my value as a person and find real self.  Our relationship is really an amazing journey for me, I learn things in real world and how to become a better person; you become the best friend I never had before.  A friend,  who love me not on my physical attributes but see  what is inside me which I myself did not see before.  A friend who make see the beauty of living and  the goodness of God. You taught me so many things, but the most important is to love someone unconditionally.  You are my life; you bring out the best in me, you made see the value of my family. Not as an obligation or responsibility but someone to love and to cherish, and someone who will defend you when others are against you.

Babes, my princess, you made me the happiest man on earth when you accepted my love despite my flaws and my insecurities.  I love you, and will cherish you forever and eternity.  Forever is not enough to show how much.  I will be the best husband, friend, and lover to you and will be the best father for our children.  I will want to be like Daddy D.  Then Gerald kissed Sarah on her lips, amidst the cheering of their guests.  Then the whole clan....  group hug,

Everyone present are overwhelmed by events and felt privilege to be part of the family who witnessed and had a  glimpsed of the real person and sentiments of Gerald, Sarah and  the family.   They commented that what God has destined to happen is for two young people with pure heart find themselves and paved the way to find love with each other.  Judy Ann and Ryan Agoncillo commented that they even surpassed what they have experienced in their whole life.  They said, they have no inkling, how deep the love story of these two have developed.

Everyone left happy and amazed.  They wished Sarah and Gerald the best of luck.  The two family then called it a day and said they will have a special family bonding to give them time to relax and enjoy the next day in Batangas. Gerald then  brought Sarah home. And since, it’s already early morning, Mommy D invited Gerald to rest in the guest room since the plan is for them to have family outing, that same day, which he accepted looking mischievously to Sarah who in return pinched his ear.

Sarah was awakened by someone tickling her nose.  She was having the sweetest dream that she was walking down the aisle towards the altar.  Gerald is waiting patiently for her to reach him.  The priest had already pronounced them husband and wife, and Ge will be kissing her, when she was suddenly awaken.  She tried to prevent her sneezing but failed.  When she opened her eyes, she saw the face of Gerald so close to her.  He held the one stem of Red Rose which caused  her to sneeze.  Good morning, my princess, I love you... and kissed her on he nose. 

Sarah got conscious:    Aye.  Then hit Gerald with the pillow, and they started the day with the pillow fight.  Ate Shine caught them in their play and said:  You two acts like children....  Pot, Ge, stop that, Mommy tells you to get ready, we will be leaving for Batangas in a little while.  Yes, Ate, they both answered.

OUR LOVE WILL SEE US THROUGHTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon