Chapter 4: The Dependence

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“My love will see you through

When you reach for your star

When you cross the deepest sea

When you climb the highest hill

My love will always be with you”

Gerald is very thankful for Sarah’s fast recovery.  He doesn’t want to leave her but he has to go back to the finish the US tour.   His phone is ringing.   Mom, how are you?   Mom V:  Ge, where are you, Mr. Santos is calling asking your whereabouts.    They don’t know where you are?  Are you with your Dad?    Ge:  Mom, Am okay, I’ve seen Dad in LA but am not with him right now.  I’ll tell you everything when I get back.  Just trust me.  I love you Mom.  How’s   Ken?, Is he in  Manila or in Gensan.  Dad is asking about him?   Mom said  that  Ken is in Manila right now.  He told me that he will audition for one of the reality show in Channel 5.  Please talk to him, he said, he wanted to try his luck also in showbizness like you.   Ge:  has he changed his number, been trying to contact him, where is he staying?  

By the way, Mom, Sarah goit sick and was hospitalized.   Can you come over here in Manila to look after her for me?  Am really worried to leave her.  I know, she has wonderful family that will look after her but still I wanted to be the one taking care of her.    Mommy Vangie sensed the seriousness of her son’s concern for Sarah. 

Gerald Randolph, you mean you are in Manila.      Yes Mom, I arrived last night but I have to leave by tomorrow night to finish the US Tour.    Could you book your flight today so I can see you and Ken?  Please Mom.

Gerald told Daddy D and Mommy D that his mom will be coming over  to see Sarah.  He also told them that he has to leave again and return to finish the US Tour in  Hawaii.  He is reluctant to leave Sarah.  Daddy D  assure him that Sarah is okay  and he has nothing to worry about since the family is there to take care of her and that they appreciated the effort  and the love that Gerald has been giving their daughter, but as the saying goes... the show must go on.     They advised Gerald to rest since the time he arrived, he had not left Sarah.  Gerald said he has to spend the limited time he has to be with Sarah, since he has to leave again by tomorrow. 

He went back to Sarah who is peacefully sleeping.  He touched her face, thinking how beautiful she is.  She really looks like an angel.  How I wish Lord that she will learn to love me as much as I love her?    No matter what happen I will always protect her and take care of her.   After a while, the stress and  fatigue  make him fall asleep while still holding on the hand of Sarah.  Mommy D saw him and tried to convince him to go home in order for him to rest, but he just  smile and said, he’s okay.   Sarah woke up and saw Gerald still holding her hand sleeping beside her bed.  She tried to wake him up but it seems to be in deep sleep.    Sarah (teary eyes) just looked at his face and touched it with her free hand.

Sarah POV.      Lord he has done so much; things that no man has ever done for me.  Do I deserve this?  How can I show him my appreciation?  You know he is very special for me; I don’t want to lose him.  I already become depend on him and I think  I fallen in love him.  So please give me courage to face the risks of giving my heart to this wonderful man.  I don’t want to hurt him or cause him pains.

The next day, Mommy Vangie and Ken  arrived in the hospital .   Sarah became aware what Gerald has done and say:  Tita, sorry for the inconvenience cause by this sudden events.  Gerald should not have bothered you.    I am okay and been taken care of here in the hospital.    Besides my family have been taking care and always at my side.  Geraldo, this is too much.     Mommy V:   No it’s okay Iha,  besides   will really feel sorry if I will not be able to be here when  you needed us.  You know we love you and you have been already a family to us.

Then it’s time for Gerald to leave.  Daddy D said he will accompany him to the airport.  Gerald then hug  Sarah tightly and told her to get well soon and take care of herself...  I will miss you but always remember my mind  and heart will be here with you always. “ Love you my princess”.  Sarah Hug him tight and whisper to his ears ... Take care, I love you too so much..   Gerald lifted her face and looks straight into her eyes, trying to discern if he heard it right.  It is the first time he heard said that words to him.  In answer to his questioning eyes, Sarah just smile and touched his face.

Back in Hawaii, Gerald went straight to  his room and saw Fred in there.  Fred:  Oh Bro we brought all your things here, how’s your trip?  You have so many things to tell me.     I didn’t tell anyone where you have been.  I just told them that you went to your Dad in LA for short family bonding.   Is everything okay?    Gerald despite the extreme tiredness looks happy and alert.  He answers Fred:  I owe you bro.  I will tell you everything next time.  I have to rest in preparation for our show tonight.  Wake me up when it’s time for us to prepare.  Then lie on his bed and sleep.

Mr. Santos:  Gerald, where have you been?  We have not seen you for the past few days.  You have not even bother to tell us that you will not join the group in the bonding tour after our show in LA.  By the way, prepare for your prod with Jewel. This will be our last show.  Were you informed that some scene of your movie with Jewel will be shot here in Hawaii so your group will be left behind for another week?  The rest will be returning to the Philippines the day after the show tonight.

Gerald:  Okay Sir, and sorry for not letting you know of my plans.  It is the only chance I have to see my dad’s family.  By the way Sir, may I ask if and when my contract with Starbuilders will be renewed,  will  I have the option to decide on the terms and conditions to be set before it will be finalized? 

Mr. Santos:   Well it’s much better if you discuss it with your talent manager and handler.  Why? Are you planning to transfer to another network, Are you no longer happy with the treatment that you are receiving form them?   My advice, better think it over before you make any major decision that may affect your career.  You know how the system in this industry works.

 Mr. Santos looked at Gerald and thought what is happening to this guy, why the sudden seriousness, he is not like this before.  He just accepts and does whatever is dictated for him to do.  He asked no questions, not even rejected being paired to girls not his type.  He suddenly mature and become a man of principles, he voiced out his opinion on things he thinks is no longer acceptable and  projected an image that will hurt other people.  He is more choosy now on people he mingled with and avoid those non sense and happy go lucky activities.  He once heard him say in one interview that he is now a Man of his own, and he will not let anybody to interfere on his decision particularly concerning his personal life.  

On the other side,  Gerald immediately made a call.     Phone ringing.......  Hello , Tito Delfin,  good evening.    Yes  Tito,  we   will be  perfroming in a short while, this will be the last show  for our Tour. However, I will be staying for another week here in Hawaii to shoot the some scenes in the movie we are making now.  Tito,  can we start discussing the business we've talked about.  Yes,  I am serious about it, my contract with Star builders will end this year.  At least I'll have an idea how much do I have to save  to finance our business.      Tito, please keep it a secret.  We'll tell them once we have already started it.

By the way Tito,  how is Sarah?  is she awake?  Can I talked to her just to say hello?  Thank you.  In a little while,     hello baby girl,   how's my princess?    I'll be home  by next week.  Please do take care of your health, drink all your medicines and vitamins.  Be good.     Okay...  I love you very much...   

Sarah:   Hi  babes,  how's your show?  Okay promise, I'll be good.  Take care also...  In a small voice... answered..  I love you too babes.   Gerald  asked:  What did you say?   You love me too..   please, say it again.          Gerald, your next  somebody shouted and he has no option but to bid  Sarah goodbye.

With so much energy,  Gerald completed his segments which made the fans shrieked  loud and asked for more.    He conceded   and  before doing another song  he dedicated the song “right here waiting for you”   to a very special lady whom he said give him inspirations  and just hearing her name put a smile on his face.   He further say that he already found the girl who will complete his life.   The fans went wild after this announcement asking who the lucky girl is.  Some shouted names of women linked to him before  while the group of Ashralds fans  just wave the banner and shouted “we love you babes”.

OUR LOVE WILL SEE US THROUGHTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon