Chapter Four: Abducted and Experimented

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A/N: Hey ya again! Enjoying so far?

Again, ENJOY!^_^


"Hello Konoha shinobi..."

Sakura and Hinata immediately went into their fighting stances as the figure got closer to them.

"Kabuto..." Sakura hissed, Hinata just stood there as they talked.

"What do you want?!" She asked sternly.

"Your co-operations." Kabuto smirked.

"Never in a billion years!" Sakura shouted.

"It seems like I can't talk you guys into it, as predicted. I'll just bring you two to Orochimaru-sama then..." Kabuto said.

They were confused but didn't really give much thought to the matter. Kabuto then threw a kunai containing poison smoke towards Hinata and Sakura. They managed to dodge out of this one but he threw another two  immediately and it scraped Sakura and Hinata.

As the took effect, Sakura barely had enough time to come up with an antidote on the spot and they fainted from it.

------------Back at the hideout------------

"What is this?! Restraining chakra handcuffs?! Hinata? Are you alright?" Sakura exclaimed.

"A-ah. I'm fine Sakura-san," Hinata assured.

"I sssee you two are awake." A voice said.

"Orochimaru?! I thought you were dead?!" Sakura said with anger and fear hinted in her voice.

"Relax Sssakura. I just want your co-operations and do you really think I would be dead so easily?" Orochimaru said as he licked his lips.

"..." Sakura just turned away from Orochimaru and looked at the ground.

"I created a device recently and needed test sssubjectss to test it on. This machine will allow me to combine two powers together. I chose you two because one of you has the Byakugan and the other, the Sssharingan." Orochimaru smirked as he explained.

"What?! How did you know I hav-" Sakura asked but got cut off by Orochimaru.

"I sent Kabuto to ssspy on on you two. But before I test on you two, I will make a contract with you two." Orochimaru said.

"What kind of contract?" Sakura asked calmly.

"I will give you a kekkei genkai, Sakura. The kekkei genkai allows you to copy other shinobi's jutsus. You will still have your Sharingan, but it will be more powerful." Orochimaru said.

 "And what good would it do you if we become stronger?" Sakura asked, a little confused.

"You two will not leave of course! You two will be working for me after that. So, do you agree to the contract? "Orochimaru asked with a hint of exitement in his voice.

Sakura kept silent but she was actually thinking hard about it. 

In Sakura's mind:

'Go you could actually become stronger!' Inner said.

'But I don't want to work for Orochimaru... What about Hinata?' Sakura asked Inner.

'Who said you have to work for him? You guys combine could kill him immediately when the experiment ends!' Inner suggested.

'Yeah...I guess we could...'Sakura said.

'Uh, a thank you would be good? Whatever just stay alive.' Inner stated.

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