chapter twenty four

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Amanda rested her hand on my stomach. She had been one of the witnesses for my rape case although she had not actually seen it. There had been no witnesses but Amanda had seen the emotional impact of it that the rape had had on me for twenty two weeks. We even had proof that Piers had been the one to impregnant me by using paternity tests on the twins.

The case built up and we had enough proof for the two men that had raped me to go to court with it and have them have a trial. Amanda and I both wanted to see them go to jail for what they had done to me and it seemed likely to happen.

They had admitted to raping me and confessed as guilty. They didn't act guilty about the fact they had impregnanted a primary school teacher but Piers had seemed sort of sympathetic at the fact he was going to be a father to four children. He claimed he was drunk, which I backed up, but he said he wasn't in control of his actions because of how drunk he had been. That was false because he was completely in control of his actions when he had raped me.

Amanda even brought up her rape and showed the proof of it. Piers admitted to raping Amanda as well and when he had been convicted of being guilty, his sentence would be longer than his accomplice's sentence because he had raped two women and impregnanted both of them.

Amanda had started crying during the trial when she had said Piers had raped her as well and said it had taken her a long time to get to where she was now. She had been too afraid of what Piers would do if she had gone to the police after he had raped her so it had never been documented. She brought up he hit her many times when he had been drunk and brought pictures of the bruises he had left on her body.

We left the courtroom knowing that Piers and his friend were going to go to prison after what they had done to us. We were happy that we had done something about it although Amanda's rape had been six years earlier.

She had gotten pregnant at the age of twenty and gave birth to Lexi before she turned twenty one. Lexi was now six years old and she clearly made Amanda happy that she had been a young mum, even if that had not been her original plan as she hadn't been that financially stable for a newborn and herself to be supported.

We went home to my flat, passing by a couple of the houses that we were looking at getting. Amanda and I were starting to run out of time to find a house as I was going to be due in eighteen weeks. We had about three months to get a nursery done as most multiple births tended to happen before the due date.

Amanda helped me out of the car and she laughed when she looked up and saw our children waving in the window at us. Simon and David had been baby sitting for us and Amanda knew that David was Azura's biological father. We went up to my flat and were greeted by the couple and our children.

"How did it go?" Simon asked tentatively.

"We won. Piers and his friend are going to go to jail now. Piers has a longer sentence," Amanda replied. Simon knew that Amanda had been raped by Piers and he nodded in understanding.

"David's trying to feed Theo and Theo's putting up a fight about it. We need help, Mandy," Simon said jokingly, taking Amanda into the kitchen.

I sank into the couch and I kicked off my shoes. The twins were already starting to make my ankles swell up to double their size and it didn't help that I taught five year olds so I was always on my feet in my classroom.

"Mummy 'Lesha, when's my mummy going to ask you to marry her?" Lexi asked, rubbing my stomach as one of the babies kicked at her hand. She grinned as she felt it. "She's been saying that she wants to marry you."

"Has she now?" I replied. "She hasn't said anything to me about marrying me. I'm sure she knows when she's going to ask me that question. It might not even been until the twins are born though."

Azura got up onto the couch and she laid her head on my shoulder. "You're getting big, Mummy," she commented, looking at my stomach. It was true that I was getting big because it looked like I was around eight or so months pregnant while I was really about twenty two weeks along.

"Why are you getting bigger? Mummy wasn't this big when she was having Theo," Lexi added in.

"That's because she was only carrying one baby and I have two babies in me. I'll be even bigger when they're ready to be born," I replied. The girls and I talked about the coming twins for a couple more minutes before David came in. He had baby food on his shirt and he was wearing a defeated expression.

"How can I not get a baby to eat his food? Theo's so stubborn!" He complained. The girls got off of the couch and laughed. They didn't know how stubborn Theo could be when he was not getting his way. I heard a shriek come from Theo in the kitchen and Simon came out, wearing the same expression that David had been wearing.

"I swear Theo is even more stubborn than his mother," Simon groaned. He grinned when he saw me and asked, "have the twins been kicking?"

"They have. They're being active right now. Would you like to feel, Simon?" I asked in response. He nodded and he placed his hand onto my stomach, grinning when he felt the twins kick.

[] hey guys! Piers was convicted of his crimes finally and we had fluff too. What do you think is going to happen next and what did you love about this chapter? Bye until the next chapter!

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