Chapter 2-My fan diary

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Don't tell yourself that you are just an ordinary fan. Only your bias know how much him/her love you and wants to make all of him/her fans become true. Only they know about it. Or maybe you can see how much he/she love you all.


Your POV

  "Are we going to have some practices today?" I took a bottle of water. "No, we'll have rest at our dorm today. You can shopping or walk out." Namjoon answered me while cooked breakfast for us. "Ahh, I think I will spend my day in my bedroom." I wink.

  "Let's have breakf- eh?" Jin stopped when he heard something broken. "NAMJOON!!!!" he shouted out of lungs. "Mianhae." he chuckled. "Yah?!??!" he yelled.

  "OH, WE CAN SEE GOD OF DESTRUCTION HERE!!!" Jimin laughed. J-hope, V and Jungkook laughed too. "Yah!!Why don't you all shut up or cut our mouth?!?!" Suga appeared from his bedroom. "Omo, the grandpa is angryyy." V laughed.

  Jimin ordered pizzas and we ate them together. "Seriously?!!?Why are we eating pizzas in the morning?!?!!" Suga yelled. "But you like them, hyunggg." J-hope ate like crazy.

Fast foward

I opened my drawer and took a book. I jumped on the bed and opened the first page of the book.

Full name: Lee Areum 


Birthday date: 8 Disember 1999 (sorry guys,I change it)

Fav food: Tteobokki

Fav drink: Apple juice

Best friend: Choi Minha

School: Bangtan High school, Seoul (sorry i don't have idea)


  "Wait, she's in the same school as mine?" I continued read the second page.


Dear diary,

  It's 13th June 2014! You know what? It BTS' 1 yer anniversary! I made a party with my friends. They were about 10 ARMYs including me and my eonnie. We swept present each other and finally I got it fro Ellin eonnie. I can't believe that she got me an ARMY bomb!!*fangirling......

  You know what? I'm in the same age with my bias in bts. Sadly, I am younger than her, I hope that we are twins. I really like her style, she is my role model. Gorgeous, beautiful, nice voice, that's all in a package but no one can buy.  She's the only girl in bangtan's group. Many fans hate her but called themselves 'ARMY'. I hope that the fake army can't think to hurt her body or somthing else that hurt her.



I opened the third page and read.


dear diary,

  I hate them! i really hate the three girls! They are so SELFISH! jUST because the leader is the daughter of BTS driver!! She's bullying me too but the Chaerin girl is more hurt that me. She's clever, but she's dressing like a nerd. And then, she's more beautiful than her. 

  I never saw the girl crying or begging at her. She's strong girl, stronger than me. I hope that Bora will not bully her and the others too.



  "I'm not strong enough, Areum." I closed the book and put it on the bed. I walked to the living room.

  "Oppa, let's go shopping!!" Tae oppa nodded and walked to his bedroom to change his cloth. ME TOO. "Kaja!!!" Mr. Choi took us to the shopping mall. "CHORIM!!!LET'S GO TO THAT GUCCI SHOP!!!" He screamed like crazy. 

In the gucci shop

  "Omo!!I like this shoes!!" I fangirling in front of the shoes. "Take it, I'll buy for my maknae." we asked the size and walked to the counter. "Tae oppa, what did you buy?" he showed his things. he bought some clothes.

  "How about PUMA shoppp?" I pouted. "NO!!You have enough puma clothes, shoes and bbcbcjfbfjfjfjh." he started talking in the alien language. "Why don't we buy dress and some girl stuff!"  he smiled. "That's what you should buy." he giggled.

  We went to the 'shop' and I ended bought 3 paired clothes and skirts. I also bought shoes again *you obsessed with shoes and two hoodies. Meanwhile V, he bought 2 shoes an two clothes. 


I am sorry for the late update. I forgot to tell that I always update late because I use my mom laptop. And sorry, this chapter is shorter...........................

Edit 10/5/2018

   *I change her birth date. From 29th Nov 2002 to 29th Nov 1999.

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