Chapter 6-Busy

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Every comeback need busy live everyday. No school, no holiday until the day where you can rest your body freely. But, every comeback must has new hair, new style and new SONG.


I don't think the title of this chapter is related to this chapter. *laugh

Your POV

  It had been 3 weeks. We needed rest. Tomorrow, we're going to shoot Spring Day m/v. Our new song. I dyed my hair became blue.

  "Oppa,I think this m/v is the best for me!!" I jumped happily after we shot spring day m/v

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  "Oppa,I think this m/v is the best for me!!" I jumped happily after we shot spring day m/v. "Wae?" Tae oppa messed my hair. "Friends." I simply answered and walked into our car. "Have you remove your make up??" Jin oppa opened the door. "N-ne. Wae?" I showed my face. "You got some lipstick." he laughed. "Come on, I'll not remove this precious lipstick." I pouted. 

  "Ceme onw, I wiul net lemove thius pruciusee~~ liupstiack." Tae oppa acted childishly. "Oppa." I pouted. "Whateuu." he gave me a lipstick. "Gomawoo~~~" I hit his chest playfully. 

  "Can we go shopping after thissss?" he gave me sparkling eyes. "Shopping?!!?! YeEASSS!!I WAIT FOR A LONG TIME FOR THIS!!" I jumped happily in the car. 

  "Gosh, this two. YAhh!!! me too!!" Jimin oppa took a long breath and then," YAHhowcomeyouguyswillgoowithoutme!!Iamolderthanyoutwoandiamsupposetoshopinmall~~" he got cut by us. "Yeah2 whatever." Jimin oppa glared at us.

  "NamJOON HYung!!!We'll go to the mall!!!We'll GO HOme LATer!!!!" Tae oppa and Jimin oppa yelled. "Yah, tomorrow we'll have dance practice. Don't go home too lat and make sure you three rest well. Don't forget to cover your hair and face." Namjon oppa whispered to me. "Don't forget to buy me new spoon that suppose to be like this." he took out his iphone and showed to me.

  "You broke Jin oppa spoon?" I chuckled and then laughed loudly. "SHHHhhhhh!" he showed his finger. "KaJa!!!" Tae oppa brought me inside the car. "You'll close the door." I gave signal and laughed with evil face. "Taehyung, are we going to buy her new hoodie? Are we going to pay for them?" he whispered to Tae oppa without my noticed. He just nodded. 

Shopping mall

  "Oppa!Let's go to that shoppp." I pouted at them. "That shoes shop???Let's go." Tae oppa just answered and we went into that shop. "How about this black & white shoes? Or this pink shoes?" I looked at running shoes. "I think you should buy the pink shoes. You have a lot of puma shoes, so buy the adidas shoes." Jimin oppa said while looked at puma silver shoes. "If you want to buy it, go to the counter and pay." I glared.

  Since last week, Jimin oppa and me always argued each other. We fought and fought. First, because I broke his vase. Second, because he cut my precious shoes. I yelled at him and ended up with cried at the park. Luckily, Taehyung oppa always gave his back for me to ride. *i mean comfort.

  "Chorim?Park Chorim?Yah!!" Taehyung oppa smacked my head. "Gwaenchana?" he pat my head. I smiled. "Let's just buy two of them. I'll pay." he laughed. We walked out from that shop and leave Jimin oppa. "I'm going to the men's clothes area and you're going to the woman's clothes area." I nodded.

  I shopped for 1 hour and got 2 hoodies, 1 pajamas and 1 dress. I quickly went to the counter and payed. I went again to the woman's area and bought 2 short skirts. Pink skirt and sky blue skirt. "My bedroom full again this month." I laughed. I stopped at a shop."It's kpop shop." I smiled. I went inside and bought one of our poster. Actually, I just wanted to waste my money. "You look like an idol. You almost cover all of your body except your eyes and your two hands." the cashier curious. "Well, I felt sick today and always cough." I acted like I coughing. "Woah, I'm sorry, but why did you wear a hat?" she asked again. "I have louse on my hair." i laughed awkwardly. "Thank you, p-please c-come again to my shop." she acted nice. 

  "It's okay." I walked out and met Taehyung oppa. "Yah! where were you?!?!?!i'm worried." he smacked my head. "Chill, I go to a shop." and then Jimin came with worried face. "Yah!!I searched for you two everywhere!!" I looked at him up and down. "Since when you care about me?" I gave a death glare. 

  "Whatever. Let's go home." and we took taxi. 

BTS' Dorm

  "We're home!!!!" I yelled. I walked directly to my bedroom and slammed the door harshly. "He's so annoying!!"

Flashback 20 minutes ago outside the dorm

  "Chorim, I have something to tell you. Taehyung, go inside first." Tae oppa nodded and walked without us. 

  "How many times will Taehyung buy shoes for you?" he threw two shopping bags on the floor. "AND THIS CLOTHES?!?!AND THIS poster?!?!" Jimin yelled. "he didn't buy me the clothes and the poster. AND actually, he bought me one pair of shoes. I bought the puma one. He wanted to buy for me but I don't want. You know WHAT?!?! When I shopped the hoodies, dress and the others, I quickly went to the counter and make sure he didn't pay for me!!!!!!!" I stomped my feet to our dorm.
End of flashback
New update!!!!!

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