Decisions Part 1

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You were fast asleep in your comfy warm futon dreaming about finding the ultimate dessert. In your dream, you were about to reach for the treasured treat that sat on top of a pedestal when your helper started yelling at you.

You jolted awake to hear your phone going off. You groaned as you reached for it and glanced at the screen.

It was Osomatsu.                                           

"What time is it?" You mumbled as you glanced at the time on your phone. "Oh crap! It's 8:30?!" You sat up and answered the phone "Yeah, yeah I know already! I over slept!" You yelled into the phone.

"Ow, (Y/N)-chan, you didn't have to yell. We're waiting on you at the station. We can still make the 9:30 dolphin show, so hurry up, you lazy bones!" He teased you right there at the end and you swear you can hear the smirk in his voice.

"I'm coming, I'm coming."  You hung up and got up to get ready. You walked into the bathroom and brushed your (h/l) (h/c) hair. You couldn't decide what to do with it since it didn't want to do anything no matter how hard you tried. Maybe it was because you were grumpy from having to get up when you were all warm, or maybe it was the fact that your hair just hates you today. You will never know. You brushed your teeth and decided not to apply makeup since you were going to be sitting in the splash zone at a dolphin show.

You went to your closet and grabbed a T-shirt you didn't mind getting wet and some jean shorts.

You grabbed your phone, your wallet, and your J-rails card holder. You found your simplest purse and put your stuff inside.

"Alright, I think that's everything."

You hurried to the front door, put on your shoes, and locked the front door behind you.

You didn't have time to admire how nice the day actually was because you knew those sextuplets were going to make fun of you for being late anyway.

You have known the Matsuno family since you were eight. Your family moved to Japan from (c/n) because your father got a job overseas with his company. You were really scared to move to a country where you didn't even know the language, so your mother bought you a book so you could learn how to speak Japanese, even if it is just a little bit.

When you moved to Japan, you were helping your parents move the smaller boxes into the house. However, one time you tripped over your own two feet and stumbled. You fell and scraped your knee. You felt tears well in your eyes as you started to cry. Suddenly, you felt someone pat your shoulder. You glanced up to see a boy with a bowl cut and a timid disposition about him.

"A-are you okay?" He asked. You nodded a little. It wasn't really your knee that hurt the fall just scared you a bit. "Ah, that's good." He smiled and you felt yourself smile as well.

"What's your name?" You asked.

"Oh! It's Choromatsu-" Suddenly, he was tackled by two other people. You quickly stood up to move away from the chaos. They were speaking really fast Japanese so you didn't really know what was going on, but after a bit, they introduce themselves as Osomatsu and Jyushimatsu. They asked you what your name was and you introduced yourself. After that you were introduced to the others and found out that they were sextuplets, which you thought was pretty cool. From that day on, you and the sextuplets became next door neighbors and best friends.

Now you've come to the point where, you hurried to the station and found the boys standing around waiting for you. You smiled and waved as you ran up.

"I'm here!" You announced.

"About time, (Y/N)-chan! We almost left you behind." Osomatsu teased.

"Ah! My Karamatsu girl has finally arrived!" Karamatsu smiled as he adjusted his sunglasses in his 'cool' way.

"Dolphin! Dolphin! Let's go!" Jyushimatsu chanted as he bounced up and down.

"We should head out if we want to make the 9:30 show." Choromatsu said as he looked at the brochure. You all agreed and headed to the train.

Thankfully, you had made it to the train after rush hour, so you actually able to find a couple of seats. You sat down on the train bench and Ichimatsu and Todomatsu quickly sat down on either side of you. The others glared at them, but you weren't really paying attention. You were too busy pulling up pictures of your cat and dog to show Ichimatsu. Sure he wasn't a dog person, but he got along really well with your dog.

"(d/n) and (c/n) were passed out last night." You showed the picture to Ichimatsu and he looked at the picture.

"(c/n) is getting really fat." He said.

"Really? I thought they'd lost some weight."

You talked to everyone in hushed voices since talking on public transport wasn't really advised.

Soon, you had arrived at the station you needed to get off on.

You went to the show and went to pay for your own ticket, but Karamatsu was quick to stop you.

"You shouldn't pay for yourself, my Karamatsu girl!" He said. You blinked in confusion.

"what? But you guys can hardly pay for yourselfs. It's fine. It's not like we're on a date guys." You said a matter-a-factly. You saw them tense and they all nervously laughed. You arched an eyebrow.

They're acting weird...

You paid for your ticket and waited for them to pay for themselves. 

You all went to your seats and sat down. This time Osomatsu and Jyushimatsu sat on either side of you. While you waited on the show to start you talk about dolphins with Jyushimatsu and about the horse races with Osomatsu, which he apparently won big at lately, but he whispered that to you because his brothers would kill him if they knew.

The show was breathtaking and you all got soaked. It was extremely fun. After the show you all went around shopping to and to the park. It was just another typical day for you and the sextuplets. However, that night you and the boys went to get oden together and that's were things went wrong.

"(Y/N), please go out with me!" They all begged on their knees. You were overwhelmed. You did not expect them to ever ask you that. You always thought they were gaga for Totoko and Totoko only.

However, you did find this moment heart poundingly exciting because your crush asked you out! All six of them wanted to go out with you, but you only wanted one. You blushed bright red as you chose...

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