When He's Jealous (Part 2) Part 23

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(Ichi POV)

I sighed as I walked to the convenience store. Osomatsu has eaten the special snacks I had for the cats when I wasn't home. My cat friends were upset that I didn't have their favorite treat so I decided to pick up some more.

As I walked I heard an all to familiar voice and smiled a bit. It was my kitten's voice. I glanced around and saw her laughing as she walked down the street, but my smile fell when I saw who she was laughing with.

It was a guy! A foreign guy!

I felt my blood boil at the sight, but I also felt my heart crack.

Is she cheating on me? I wouldn't blame her...I'm just garbage after all...I should've known that this happiness was too good to be true-!

"ICHIMATSU!" I jolted at the sound of my name. I looked up to see (y/n) and that guy standing in front of me. I glared at the guy and clenched my fist. "Finally! I've been saying your name for like 5 minutes! I could hear the negativity from a mile away so I came to make you feel better."

"Showing off your new boyfriend isn't making me feel better." I mumbled. She sighed and flicked my forehead. I hissed at the sting and held my now red forehead with my hand.
"He's not my boyfriend. This is (c/n), he's my cousin. He's visiting me from (home country)."
I felt a weight fall off my shoulders as she explained everything.

Suddenly she took my hand in hers and kissed my cheek. I felt my face heat up as she smiled gently at me.

"You mean everything to me, Ichi. Remember that when you start to doubt yourself." I nodded in response, honestly at a loss for words. "We were just heading home, do you want to join us?" I nodded again, still unable to speak as I realized that my girlfriend is a pure angel. I held her hand for once since I'm not much for PDA, and the three of us went home.

However, it wasn't until I texted my sweet kitten goodnight that I remembered that I forgot to get the cat treats.

(Reader POV)

One time I overheard these two girls talking about how jealous their boyfriends get. When I heard that, I thought about how Jyushimatsu would be if he was jealous.

To be honest I didn't think he knew what that was. He's so sweet and innocent about our relationship, I didn't think he would even get jealous if I hung out with a guy.

I was very very very wrong.

When my cousin, (c/n), came to visit, I had told Jyushi that I would be busy the whole day.

He was a little upset and confused at first, but he said that was fine and that he'll see me later.

So the day was pretty chill all and all. My cousin and I went shopping, went to a couple arcades, and had a great lunch with ice cream for dessert, but that's when things went downhill.

We were walking by the park when I saw Jyushimatsu practicing his swings with Ichimatsu, by that I mean he had Ichimatsu tied to a pole and was swinging him like a bat.

Not knowing what would happen, I called out to him.

"Jyushi!" I called. He turned quickly with his usual smile.

"(Y/n)-!" He stopped for a second and his dumb founded face took over. I figured that he saw (c/n), but I didn't think he was going to do what he did next.

He walked up to us with his usual smile and right when (c/n) was about to introduce himself, Jyushi picked him up by the collar and glared at him.

"Who the hell are you? What are you doing with my girlfriend, huh?" He growled.

I had never seen Jyushimatsu so angry! I quickly jumped in to stop him.

"Jyushi, stop! That's my cousin!"

Suddenly there was a pause. A stillness in the air and Jyushi returned to normal.

"Ah! Cousin? I see!" He said as he put (c/n) down. "Sorry about that! (Y/n) just means the world to me and my older brothers said that I need to make sure no one takes her away!"

"Jyushi..." I smiled at the sentiment.

"Well at least I know my cousin is in protective hands. I was worried for a second she was dating a thug." (C/n) said.

"Ah! I got those ideas from a show I've been watching!" Jyushi and (c/n) shared a laugh as the tension faded.

After that, we all played a little baseball together with a real bat instead of Ichimatsu.

Jealous Jyushimatsu is definitely an experience I don't want to happen again. I like that he's protective, but I don't want him to ever use the brotherly advice he gets or the violent ideas he gets from his TV shows.

(Totty POV)

I was beyond angry and jealous right now!

I was working my part time job at Starbucks when my beloved and adorable girlfriend decided to pay me a visit, with a guy in tow.

I knew who the guy was, and he knew who I was, we've met when (y/n) would Skype him.

Let's just say we didn't get along.

He thought I wasn't good enough for (y/n) and I thought he was a selfish and ignorant prick.

I took their orders and went to making their drinks.

Of course I was angry just because he was here, but he was going to be here for two weeks and I couldn't spend time alone with my sweetheart while he was breathing down our necks and telling (y/n) what a mistake she's making by being in a serious relationship with me.

He gets to spend time alone with my (y/n) but if I wanna hang out with her, he's always there! It's not fair!

"Totty? TOTTY!" I jumped at the sound of (y/n)'s voice and spilled a bit of coffee on my hand.

"Ow ow ow!!" I winced at the burning pain and ran over the the sink to run cold water over it.

"Totty!" (Y/n) ran up to me, even though customers aren't allowed behind the counter and gave my burn some attention and affection. "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have scared you like that."

"No it's my fault. I was the one in la la land. I was just-!"

"Upset? Angry? Jealous?" She smirked at me knowing she read me like an open book. I looked away with a blush on my face and mumbled a maybe. "Don't worry, sweetheart. Tonight, it's just you, me, and some well deserved cuddling." I looked at her wide eyed and confused. "I blackmailed my cousin into giving us some space." I nodded in understanding and put my hand over hers which was holding my hurt hand.

"I love you." I smiled at her.

"I love you more." She leaned up and gave me an Eskimo kiss by rubbing our noses together. She's so cute...and she's all mine...

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