When You Chose Him Part 2

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You chose the oldest and most perverted of the sextuplets, Osomatsu. You had a crush on him for a long time, but if someone asked what you liked about him since he was absolute trash, you'd have to say it's the fact that there is never a dull moment by his side. Well that was the same for all of them, but you liked having adventures with Osomatsu the most. Plus, you thought Osomatsu was attractive when he acted like the older brother to the rest of them.

He looked up quickly when he heard you pick him. He looked around at his brothers and pointed to himself to make sure he heard you right. You blushed more with a smile on your face as you nodded.

A huge grin spread across his face as he rubbed his finger under his nose. You could see him blushing a bit.

"Looks like I'm the one who's going to graduate from being a virgin first! Now that I have a cute girlfriend!" He was then promptly tackled by his brothers as they all yelled at him to have some tact. You laughed at their antics.

Yep, never a dull moment with Osomatsu and his brothers around.


You chose the second oldest, and 'coolest' sextuplet, Karamatsu. If you had to say why it was probably because you did think he was cool, even if his fashion sense was too painful to look at sometimes and his lines were travesties. However, you really loved his singing voice.

When Karamatsu heard you pick him he quickly stood up and took your hand.

"My Karamatsu girl, I will always cherish you and treat you like the princess you are!" He kissed your hand. You blushed and giggled at his lines. His brothers rolled their eyes or sweat dropped at his antics, but accepted it. You guessed that if you liked Karamatsu you had to like him a lot in order to tolerate his personality.

Karamatsu kept spouting lines way into the night and even sent you a really lovely goodnight text after you went home.

He really is cool, at least to you.


You chose the third oldest, and most anime obsessed, sextuplet, Choromatsu. You two connected a lot when it came to anime and Nyaa-chan. She wasn't your favorite singer, but you did like a few of her songs and would listen to them while you read manga at his house. You two would watch anime often together growing up, so naturally you gradually developed a crush on him.

He rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment that you chose him as his whole face lit up red. He was speechless and could only mutter incoherent words.

Osomatsu advised against it as he told you Choromatsu...faps. You weren't phased by it at all. You figured they all did, so you went to Choromatsu, who was trying to choke Osomatsu for telling his 'secret', and kissed his cheek. He froze and dropped Osomatsu. There was a moment of silence and suddenly his nose shot a geyser of blood and he fell on the ground.

"Choromatsu-nii-san!" Jyushimatsu yelled in panic.

"Come on you guys. Let's go home." You grabbed Choromatsu's feet and started dragging him back home. The boys watched you go and sweat dropped.

"Scary..." They all said.


You chose the fourth, and most cat obsessed, sextuplet, Ichimatsu. He looked up wide eyed as he clenched his fists trying to contain his joy. He didn't actually think you'd pick absolute trash like him to go out with. You personally liked him because even though he acted all big and bad and like he didn't care about anything, he was a real softy when it came to cats and you found that absolutely adorable. Plus, you thought his messy hair was really attractive.

His brothers tried to get you to reconsider, but you shut them up by saying you loved Ichimatsu. All of his brothers gasped and looked at him in shock.

After moments of silence Ichimatsu's face exploded in a blush and he collapsed on the ground.

"Ichimatsu!" You panicked as you tried to wake him up.

He really couldn't handle his joy.

(RIP Ichimatsu)


You chose the hyperactive fifth sextuplet, Jyushimatsu. You liked his energy and how he could always make you laugh even when you were upset. You liked him ever since you met him as kids because he was fun to be around,

When you chose him he jumped into the air and hugged you close.

"(Y/N)-chan chose me! Yay!" He cheered as he picked you up and spun you around. You laughed as he laughed with you. None of his brothers wanted to interrupt the cute scene you two were having, so they decided to kill Jyushimatsu later.


You chose the cutesy sixth sextuplet, Todomatsu. You couldn't help yourself, Todomatsu was super cute to you and he was fun to shop with. You two spent so much time together you developed a crush on him.

He immediately hugged you and took a selfie of the two of you so he could put it up on his social media proclaiming you as his official girlfriend. His brothers were seething with rage and you could tell it wasn't going to be a quiet night at the Matsuno house tonight.

Todomatsu took his victory of being chosen with grace, by rubbing it in his brother's faces later that night, but that was the straw that broke the camel's back. The brother retaliated and pranked Todomatsu for a whole week.

(RIP Todomatsu)

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