When He Proposes (Part 1) Part 30

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The time has come.

He's planned and waited for this moment. 

The moment he would propose to you.


His nerves were through the roof, he was sweating bullets and he couldn't calm down. He was going to propose to the love of his life, what man wouldn't be nervous?

He asked you to meet him at the park at 7.

Which he was currently running late to.

He ran and ran to the park, he was currently 30 minutes late and you were getting impatient. 

When he finally made it he saw you sitting on a bench, your hair done up nicely. 

"(y/n)! I'm sorry I'm late!"

You turned to where his voice was coming from and smiled at him. You stood up from your spot on the bench to see him hunched over trying to catch his breath.

"Oso-chan?! Are you alright?" You asked as you hurried over to him. He was still gasping for breath as he shakily held up a bouquet of your favorite flowers. "Flowers? For me?" You took the flowers as he smiled up at you.

"Those were why I was late....this date is special...so I wanted to give you flowers..." He said in between pants. You felt your heart flutter at his words. 

He wanted to treat you as special as you are to him. He was all dressed up in a tux with a nice red tie. You smiled at him and leaned down to kiss him on the cheek. His face flushed red with a big smile on his face. 

"Come on, handsome. Where are you taking me?" You asked as you helped him to his feet.

"Somewhere you'll love!" He took your hand as he began to lead you to the restaurant.

After eating a delicious meal at a wonderful restaurant, Osomatsu told you that he had an important place to take you next. The two of you walked to this super romantic place at the top of a moonlit hill. The two of you sat on a comfy bench and looked up at the stars.

"Wow, there are so many stars..." You gasped at the beauty of the night sky. The stars twinkling bright. "It's so beautiful..."

Osomatsu, however, was only looking at you. His hands were sweaty and his legs were shaking a bit with nerves. It was time. The two of you were lit up in the moonlight, and you were looking even more beautiful than you did before. 

"I-It's romantic, isn't it?" He stammered, his cheeks burning. You smiled a bit, your cheeks burning as well.

"Very romantic." You agreed.

 There was a pause as the two of you listened to the sounds of your own pounding hearts. 

"(Y/n)," He began, "You mean everything to me. Every day with you makes me happy and I never want that feeling to go away. You're beautiful and kind and you love me despite all my flaws. I want to spend every day with you and see your beautiful face wake up next to me every morning and go to sleep every night. I love you so..." Osomatsu got up and knelt down next to you holding up a beautiful diamond engagement ring. "Will you marry me?" 

You felt tears well up in your eyes as you saw a bright red blush spread across his face.

"You dummy...of course I'll marry you!" You jumped on him and kissed his cheeks repeatedly.


Karamatsu had planned this date for months and it was perfection. Everything was tailored to things you like and you would be treated like the princess he believes you are. 

Sad to say, but when the day came around, the two of you were leaving his house when it started to pour down rain.

The two of you quickly ran back inside the house and quickly grabbed towels to dry off.

"Are you okay?" You asked him as you dried your hair. 

"No...the whole day is ruined!" He cried. You sat back and listened to him rant. After a while you got up and grabbed his face. "(Y/n), wha-?" You stopped him by kissing him on the lips.

"We can have a great date right here. We can cuddle and watch TV or do any indoor activity." You kissed his nose and let go of his face. "Now go dry off before you catch a cold." He just nodded and left while you finished drying off. 

After a bit, you had found your way into the snacks as you waited for Karamatsu to come back. 

"Where is he?" You asked yourself as you crunched on some chips.

"(Y/n), my karamatsu girl?" an all too familiar voice said. You looked over and saw him in his usual attire with a guitar in his hands. "I have a song for you." You tilted your head to the side, confused. 

"A song?" 

He just nodded before singing a beautiful love song. The song was about how amazing you were and that everything you do makes him smile. 

It was the best song you've ever heard.

"Karamatsu, that was beautiful." You sighed happily after the song ended, your heart fluttering and your cheeks flushed red.

"I meant every word. You mean everything to me and I want to be with you forever." He knelt down and grabbed your hand. "I love you...will you marry me?" He asked. His cheeks bright red as his heart pounded waiting for your answer.

"oh Karamatsu...of course I'll marry you!" You said. His eyes widened and he smiled big and bright.


"I  love you with all of my heart. Why wouldn't I marry you?" you leaned up and kissed him.

It was your first gift as a newly engaged couple and it was wonderful.


Choromatsu's proposal was the typical dinner date where he asked the chef to put the ring in the champagne glass for you to find. 

But to his surprise, the chef forgot to put it in the champagne so the speech Choromatsu had prepared had to go on until the chef himself came out with your desserts. 

You ordered your favorite slice of cake and to your surprise there was a diamond ring with an emerald next to the diamond. You gasped and looked at Choromatsu to see him smiling.

"(Y/n), my love, will you do the honor of being my bride?" He asked.

"Why are you so cute?" You smiled. His cheeks flushed red and he scratched his cheek in embarrassment. "Yes, I will marry you." you said.

"You will? You will! That-That's!" His face was bright red as he tried to process your response. "I'm just so happy...You're so pretty and wow...now you're my fiancée..."

You just giggled at his face and held his hand.

"Let's finish this dessert, so we can go have our first fiancée kiss somewhere more private." You winked at him as you watched his face erupt in a bright red hue. You smiled and cleaned your ring putting it on your finger, then proceeding to eat your cake.

Soon after dessert, the two of you found a nice park bench to sit on and shared your first kiss as fiancés under the moonlight.

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