When You Fangirl Part 27

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Today was the day, your (favorite show)/(favorite game)/(favorite anime) just got another (season/game) and you were bouncing off the walls with excitement. You had cleared your schedule on your next day off so you could hole yourself up in your house and become one with the couch.

However, you seem to have forgotten to tell your boyfriend that you did not want to be bothered today. 

"(y/n)-chan!" Osomatsu said as he knocked on the door for the 7th, but even though he waited, no one came to the door. "(y/n)-chan!" He knocked again. 

Again, the poor boy was met with silence.

"What the hell...? I came over for our normal Saturday movie day. She couldn't have gone out." With a sigh, he searched around for your spare key and opened the door and that's when he hear it. The sobbing and the frustrated noises. "What in the world could she be doing?" He walked over to the living room archway.

"(y/n)-chan! What are you-?" 

And there she was.

His precious girlfriend was curled up in a blanket burrito with hands barely poking out gripping (the remote/a game controller/a laptop). The blanket monster did not notice her confused boyfriend come in as she continued to delve deeper into her fandom. Suddenly she seemed to have a muscle spasm as she flailed around as something awesome happened in her (show/game).


The blanket monster turned to look at the boy in the red sweatshirt.


The look the blanket monster gave him sent shivers down his spine. He had just stepped into the den and he wasn't going to make it out alive.

"Oso-chan! Come sit! You have to see this! It's so good!"

And thus Osomatsu underwent 10 hours of your fangirling. 

It was more intense than anything he has ever witnessed.


You and Karamatsu were out shopping for a new (prescription/non-prescription) sunglasses for yourself. Your old pair was on its last frames and Karamatsu had a bunch he could lend you, but they weren't your style.

"My princess! I think I see a sunglasses shop ahead."

"Then lets head there and find me some glasses and quick. I'm getting hungry!"

"My queen shall not go hungry! Let's hurry then!"

Suddenly out of the corner of your eye you saw it.

A wall scroll of your favorite anime character, and the store was having a sale!

"Kara, wait!" You stopped in your tracks, yanking Kara on his butt from your sudden strength jerking his hand.

"Ow!" He rubbed his butt as it stung from hitting the ground so hard. "(Y/n), what-?" But you weren't there.

Karamatsu looked around in a panic. Where did his princess go? Did she get kidnapped?!

"Ah! I feel so fulfilled!" You emerged from the store with two bags full of anime merchandise.

"My princess!" Karamatsu glomped you. "I was so scared I had lost you!"

"Sorry, Kara-chan! I couldn't resist!" You held up your bags with an embarrassed blush on your face.

He knew this was something you cared about and he knew to support you because he loves you.

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