First Kiss Part 4

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It was a rainy summer day and the two of you were playing your favorite video game, but for some reason you kept losing. You two had been dating for about a month now and playing video games became the activity for you two to do together.

"How do you keep winning?!" You whined as you sighed in frustration.

"I'm just that great I guess." He laughed as he rubbed his finger under his nose smugly. You huffed and rolled your eyes. "Maybe you just need a little incentive. If you win the next one, I'll do anything you want! Vice versa if I win." He bargained. You raised your eyebrow in interest.

"Alright, you're on." You took the deal.

You two played another round and you were so close to winning. You decided to play dirty. You quickly pinched Osomatsu and when he yelped in pain, you kissed him square on the mouth. He was so frozen in shock that you won easily.

"I did it!" You cheered.

"Hey, no fair you cheated!"

"Alls fair in love and war, Osomatsu." You winked and teased.

"Alright alright, what do you want me to do?" He asked.

"Kiss me." You said with a smirk. He blushed and smirked.

"Well don't mind if I do!" He quickly leaned in to kiss you.

Thank you rainy weather!


It was a nice sunny day and you and Karamatsu decided to sing in the park. He brought out his guitar and tuned it. He started to play your favorite song and you started singing and he harmonized with you.

As you two sang and enjoyed the music, you attracted a crowd.

When the song was over, the people cheered and threw 100 yen coins at your feet. You looked at Karamatsu and he nodded in understanding. You took off your hat and put it on the ground. You picked up the coins and put them in the hat.  You bowed to the crowd and you two decided to sing his favorite song next.

You two had a blast singing for the crowd and you ended up making a good bit of money. You two decided to get sukiyaki to celebrate.

After dinner, Karamatsu walked you home. The whole walk home the two of your kept glancing at eachother, blushing, and looking away. His brothers had told him that he needs to kiss you and you really wanted to kiss him in general. I mean you two had been together for over a month already and neither of you had made a move. When you got to your doorstep you steeled your nerve and turned to him.

"Karamatsu!" You were so nervous you accidentally yelled at him.

"W-what is it (Y/N)-chan?" He asked. You took a deep breath and pulled him close by his leather jacket. You closed your eyes and kissed him. It was a little awkward since it was your first kiss as well as his, but slowly you both relaxed into each other's arms and eventually pulled away.

"Goodnight, Karamatsu!" You skipped away happily into you house leaving behind a smitten and smiling Karamatsu who couldn't find his way home for a good 20 minutes because he was in such a daze.


You and Choromatsu were enjoying a lazy day at his house. His brothers were gone for the day and he invited you over to play card games and read manga. You were on a winning streak at the moment and Choromatsu was about to lose again since you had only two cards left and one of the cards you had was a wild card. There was no way you could lose.

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