Too Proper... Part 15

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Suddenly, the terrible present you were living in where your sweet loving boyfriend had become a huge annoying star vanished. Everything changed to a whole new environment! A proper environment!


You and Osomatsu had gotten married and had two children in this new proper future. You were making breakfast while your daughter was drawing a picture at the table and your son was drinking his apple juice out of the sippy cup.

"Good morning, my lovely wife." Osomatsu walked in and kissed your cheek.

"Good morning, dear. Breakfast is ready." You said as you made everyone's plates.

You sat next to your son to help him feed himself. The family you had was wonderful and proper, didn't feel happy. You knew was Osomatsu used to be like, and you feel like he's become boring. He doesn't make jokes like he usually does, he still loves you, but you miss the excitement and the fun. You two don't even take the kids out to do fun stuff. This isn't how you expected married life with Osomatsu to be.

After breakfast, you kissed Osomatsu goodbye and watched him go off to work. You got our daughter ready for school and watched her walk off to school with her friend. You spent the day doing the shopping, taking care of your son, and doing the housework.

After your daughter got back from school and your husband from work, you served dinner and the put the kids to bed.

When the kids were both fast asleep, you and your husband made love, but even that was proper.

You were getting so sick of this proper stuff!

You were going to talk to Osomatsu about how you feel, but the next day he had went off to meet his brothers. Maybe you can talk to him when he gets back.

However, after he and his brothers saved the world from a giant robot, the whole world went back to the way it was before.

You and Osomatsu are still together and honestly, you prefer him this way.


You found yourself shooting down bad guys with your now proper cyborg boyfriend, Karamatsu. This lifestyle was pretty awesome considering that you two got to fight bad guys side by side. However, you kind of missed the simple lifestyle from before, where you and Karamatsu could go on a date without having to shoot several guys in the face.

This lifestyle also wasn't very safe. Karamatsu or yourself could be killed at any moment. You would never be able to have children with him and create a home together in this sci-fi universe, but he seemed happy with the life he has created for himself. You were going to talk to Karamatsu about how you were feeling, but he was so excited to show his brothers how proper he had become, so you didn't want to ruin it.

However, after he and his brothers took down a giant robot, the world you were living in went back to how it was before. You smiled happily as you looked at yourself in the mirror in your normal clothes and your hands blood and gun free! You felt much more content in this future as you heard Karamatsu start playing his guitar. You went to your window to see him singing to you from the top of his roof.

This is the life you loved.


You were walking down the street still confused as your boyfriend yelled at your best friend but the two of them were in each other's bodies. You honestly decided not to question it, since they let you in on this big secret. You looked over at the nearby park and wondered if some ice cream would cheer them up a bit.

You went to ask them, but they said they had to leave to go meet his brothers.

Oh, right...The whole proper thing. You didn't really like it. It didn't suit your boyfriend at all. Sure he was a stick in the mud sometimes and too focused on getting a job or fapping to actually do much, but you loved him flaws and all. Also you didn't like how he was stuck in Totoko's body. He better not do anything weird! Oh who are you kidding, he's proper now, he wouldn't do stuff like that.

After they left they had to fight a giant robot with his brothers and suddenly the whole future was thrown to how it used to be.

You looked around your normal apartment and then looked out the window to see the Matsuno house right next door. Choromatsu, looking like himself again, was holding up a sign while he stood up on the roof. The sign said "I love you, (Y/N), with all my heart!" You smiled and nodded as you acknowledged and accepted his affection.

This is the Choromatsu you loved.


Ichimatsu had made himself proper by becoming a warrior that uses a cat toy for a weapon. He's saved you from all sorts of dangers in this future. You liked being saved by Ichimatsu, but he already did that every day normally. He would make you smile and he would dry your tears when you were sad. He was already a hero to you, but you wanted him to be happy and if being this proper warrior made him happy then you'd support him.

He went off on a new mission to meet with his brothers. You kissed his cheek and watched him leave. You decided to make him his favorite dinner since no one had come to kidnap you lately, so you thought it would be a nice surprise. You were cooking up a storm when suddenly, the world shifted and warped until you were back to the present. You stood in your hallway stunned at what had just happened.

You quickly ran out the door without any shoes and ran into the Matsuno house next door. You threw open the door to the living room and saw Ichimatsu jolt in surprise. You threw yourself at him and hugged him close.

Ichimatsu turned bright red in shock as you latched onto him and enjoyed his presence.

You spent the whole day in his arms while you two played with cats.


You giggled as you as 3D Jyushimatsu bounce around and show off how much fun being 3D was. You smiled as he spun around in his new proper form. You liked Jyushimatsu no matter what he looked like; he was still the same no matter what.

However, you were glad when the world went back to normal. Even if Jyushimatsu was Jyushimatsu no matter what, you liked this Jyushimatsu the best.


You were horrified. You did not know what to think about Todomatsu's new proper form. He was live action. This is way worse than what he was before! You'd take prince Totty over this! You face palmed with your now live action hand. You loved Todomatsu with all your heart, but this was concerning. Sure he had reached the ultimate proper-ness, but you liked your Todomatsu.

Needless to say, when the world went back to normal and your Todomatsu had come back to you, you hugged him close and loved on him endlessly. Todomatsu was happy to have all your attention and affection again as he hugged and kissed you all day. 

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