When You Go On A Trip To Your Home Country Part 12

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(Osomatsu POV)

"(Y/N)-chan...(Y/N)-chan, (Y/N)-chan, (Y/N)-chan!!" I was rolling on the floor upset that my sexy girlfriend had gone on a trip to (h/c) for two weeks. I miss her so much already even though she just left this morning. I won't get any kisses or anything for two weeks! This is torture!!

As the two weeks went by she would send me pictures of her and her family and cute text messages. I miss her so much...I just want to hug her and kiss her and...I felt my face heat up and drool as I thought of more...inappropriate things we could do. Karamatsu smacked me upside the head.

"Ow!!" I glared at him. "What did you do that for?!"

"Your phone has been buzzing for 5 minutes now, Osomatsu-nii-san!" Jyushimatsu said.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed again.

I looked down and saw it was a text from (Y/N)!

"Ah! It's (Y/N)!" I looked at the messages. She had sent me several messages asking if I could get her at the airport tomorrow because she wanted to see me ASAP. The two weeks of torture were finally over! She's finally coming back! I sent her an affirmative yes and smiled at the cute happy emojis she sent to convey her happiness.

The next day, she landed at the airport and I was there to welcome her into my arms. She smiled and ran up to me. We shared a hug as we just enjoyed each other's presence.

"I've missed you so much, my big teddybear!" She held my face in her hands and kissed me all over my face. I missed her kisses so much.

"I've missed you too! I've been going crazy without you!" I held her close and kissed her back when she would kiss my lips.

I helped her get her suitcase back home and we spent the rest of the day talking, snuggling, and kissing.


(Karamatsu POV)

My beautiful princess has left me on a journey to her home country, (h/c). We've been messaging each other sweet messages of love while she is away. I've been using the guitar more and more since she's been away trying to think of a new song to write, but I have creator's block. I put my guitar down and lay down on the roof. I watched the clouds roll by. (Y/N) would usually sit and tell me what she saw in the clouds. She was so cute when she'd point up at them and say, "That one looks like a bunny!"

I smiled at that thought. We've never been apart this long so it's weird to be alone...even though he has his brothers with him.

Suddenly, I got the perfect idea! I grabbed my guitar and got off the roof to go shopping. (Y/N) was going to be so surprised when she got home. I'm such a cool genius!

When (Y/N) got home, I was waiting for her at the airport for her. She had her bags and she looked positively exhausted from the plane ride, so I decided to wait to give her her surprise later. She smiled a tired smile as she came up to me and I pulled her into my arms to hug her. She hugged me back softly as she yawned out that she missed me. I decided to take her bags for her and carry her on my back like a cool hero. Thankfully, her back rolled on the ground so I didn't need to strain myself that much.

After I got her back to my house, I took off my shoes and carried her upstairs to my room that I share with my brothers. They were still awake at the time since (Y/N) came back about 11pm. I put her down on the couch after shushing my curious brothers, so they wouldn't wake her. I took off her shoes and asked Ichimatsu to put a cover over her while I put her shoes at the front door. He nodded and got a spare blanket from the closet while I went to the front door.

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