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The sun was high as Lu Bu stood over a steep hill. He was watching over his two daughters: The oldest, Lu Ling Qi has white hair and icy blue eyes while the youngest, Lu Mei has black hair with ocean blue eyes. He watched with pride as the two ran in the field, competing with each other as a woman came from behind. "Ah, Diao Chan why are you not at the fort?" "I have something to ask of you... It is about. Lu Mei." Lu Bu stiffened knowing what she was going to say. "You want to have Lu Mei trained to be a warrior right?" He sighed. "Yes, once Ling Qi starts her training, I want you to be Lu Mei's teacher. " Lu Bu looks away for a while, then he spoke again "Well then... I will teach her as you ask, but if she doesn't show any good progress in her training, you can give her training to be a housewife." Diao Chan nodded, "okay then. Zhang Liao wanted your permission to appoint the troops for the ambush." Lu Bu started to walk off the hill " Remember the deal, Diao Chan." Diao Chan looked to her youngest child 'I know you will be a great warrior, my child.'

~~~~13 years later~~~~

The sun was barely rising as Lu Mei sat up in her bed. She was too excited for sleep for today would be the day she would be tested depending if she was trained enough to be a general in her father's army. Ling Qi had already passed months ago and became one of the strongest fighters, 'Soon it will be me walking alongside my family!' She smiled and pulled together her clothes for the test.

A soft knock was heard at the door as Diao Chan came in, sliding the door shut as she hugged her daughter. " You have done so much to come to this point. I know you will make it no matter what anyone says." She pulled away smiling as she suddenly remembered something "Oh! I want to give you something. Something I saved for this day." She slid her hand to a small leather pouch and handed it to Lu Mei. Lu Mei peeked in and smiled, putting her hand inside and taking out a small pendant of a bird. "Thank you, mother" She said happily, sticking the pendant to her shoulder. "Good luck." Her mother smiled as Lu Mei left for the test. 'I know I'll make it...so then Father won't have to worry for me.'

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