The Jones family...

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Emily's POV:
As I ate my food every once in a while I'd glance at the Jones it was clear they were watching me which sent me on edge but it got even worse when Vanessa asked me to take Sebastian to the bathroom as their table was right next to the bathrooms. But not wanting to disappoint them I obediently took Sebastian to the bathroom.

I told Seb I'd wait outside the bathroom for him and he agreed and ran in. I tried with all my might to avoid looking at the Jones family who was only an inch away from me. After a minute I felt and hand clasp over my mouth and then another push me down with great force.

When I was on the ground I managed to quickly look up to see Bella moving a cloth towards my mouth when hit me I realised it was chloroform (I think that's the right drug) but before I had time to properly react my vision blurred and my throats tightened, the last thing I saw was little Seb walking out the bathroom...

Sebs POV:
I washed my handies and walked out the bathroom to meet Emily I hoped we could watch chugginton later. I saw Emily on the floor and 2 people trying to pick her up "stop that sissy!" I said very angry at these strangers. They didn't drop her instead they put a strange smelling cloth of my mouth and everything went dark...

Lins POV:
"Venessa don't you think the kids are taking a suspiciously long time in the bathroom, I'm starting to worry" I pointed out. "Yeah...they are but I'm sure it's nothing" she replied calm as ever but I wasn't calm I stood up," I'm going to quickly check on them" I announced and headed towards the bathrooms, the family that was there before was gone. I opened the door to the unisex children's bathroom and stepped inside "Emily, Seb are you two ok in here?"  "....." no reply. "Hello?"   "....." no reply. I looked around and realised all the stalls were open the bathroom was empty...

I assumed they'd already have gone back to Vanessa at the table so I walked back to see Vanessa by her self, she gave me a worried yet confused look "where are the kids" she asked, "they're not in there, they're gone!" I frantically replied reaching for my phone. I quickly dialled 911.
"911 what's your emergen-" the women started "my kids are missing I need help!" I frantically replied and gave her all the information I had.

The police soon arrived by this point both me and Vanessa were giving them information frantically on the verge of tears hoping they were safe, hoping they were alive hoping, we'd see them again but hoping doesn't find kids so I knew it was fruitless to hope for them to magically appear in our arms but I couldn't help it.

Emily's POV:
I woke up in my old room at the Jones house my head was banging, then I heard a small groan from behind me I turned. Seb! It was Seb waking up they'd brought him here too I was terrified but I acted calm and hugged him "hey Sebby... shhh don't cry it's going to be ok" I tried to stop him crying luckily he calmed down and I rocked him in my arms.

I heard a key in the bedroom door I frantically hid my phone knowing they'd take it from me. I sat Seb back in my lap just as the door opened, it was Mr Jones "hello sir" I said with a hint of salt. (I'm editing this and I forgot I wrote that you go girl!) "Downstairs. Now! Dinner won't cook itself" I put Seb on the ground and we both stood up, I lead Seb downstairs with me. He clung to my leg as I made their food and managed to steal a bit of bread and butter for Seb which I hid and would give to him back in my room.

When their dinner was ready I announced it and quickly left the kitchen and quietly tried the front door; locked of course I quietly walked upstairs with Seb. We got into my room and I heard the handle rattle...they'd locked the door again Seb gave me a worried look. "We're going to be ok Seb don't worry we're just going to have to be really quiet ok?" I reassure him he nods "good" I whisper and hang him the buttered bread, he ate it pleased but expecting more, he wasn't used to it like I was.

While Seb quietly drew in the dust I got my phone, they'd found it. It was smashed into pieces and unusable o began to softly cry. Seb noticed and came over to me giving me a hug "it's gonna be ok" he told me as I had to him. I laughed and wipe the tears "that's right Sebby it's all going to be ok" I replied envying how oblivious he was to certain danger in this house.

~timeskip brought to you by a randomly tagged person mac_le_cat ooooooooo she has good stories check her out~

I woke up the next morning hoping the previous night was all a dream but when my eyes opened I saw Sebastian cuddled into me and my bedroom ceiling at the Jones house. I sighed it wasn't a dream. Suddenly I realised the sun was coming up meaning I had to make breakfast for the Jones' and quickly! I woke Seb up and put him on my back before heading downstairs.

I made pancakes for the Jones' and before they'd woken up I managed to pocket 2 pancakes for Sebastian that I stuck in my pockets. I managed to put all the pancakes on the table and head back upstairs just at the Jones family woke up, as they passed my room I heard them lock the door I sighed would I ever escape and save Seb I needed to protect him.

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