sophia is cool yo.

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Lins POV:

I'd stayed up all night but Emily never came home. Around 7:00 Sophia woke up and I made her breakfast she was just as worried as I was. I sipped my coffee while she ate in silence.Suddenly a notification from my phone cut through the silence I looked down at it, a video from an unknown number weird.I clicked on it nervously and Emily's face popped up she was in a dark room and she was crying as she spoke. "hello Lin, I've been kidnapped and they'll only set me free if you pay $5000- wait no Lin don't pay it this is my fault!" I heard a gunshot ring out and she continued to read sounding like she was in great pain my poor baby "If you do not pay within 2 weeks I will be sold as a sex slave... WAIT WHAT Lin I'll be fine I'm sure I'll escape don't pay I love you!" I heard another gunshot and she screamed out in agony. The video ended there and I was in tears she was so brave.I knew I had to pay but I didn't have a spare $5000 lying around I may be on Broadway but that doesn't mean I'm rich.

I immediately called the police and dropped Seb off at daycare and Sophia off at Jazzy and Anthony's, she was just too young to join the search and she needed to be protected.The rest of the cast joined the search while Anthony stayed home with Sophia and protected her.We created flyers and I used the picture from her first day at school she looked so happy and innocent, my little angel was gone I needed her back we all did.

~cutting warning please seek help I'm here for you~

Sophias POV:

Everyone went out looking for Emily while I was stuck with Anthony, not that I don't like him I just needed to help look for Emily she was my first and very best friend.That when it hit me, it was all my fault I'd told Lin,  I'd driven her to run, I hadn't helped her. I got up from the sofa where Anthony was trying to comfort me and headed into his bathroom.I grabbed one of Jazzys razors that she shaves with and broke the plastic part and held the sharp metal part. I began cutting over my old cuts the neat little rows. I decided 5 is a good enough punishment but I couldn't seem to stop I just kept going the blood flowed down my arm taking my pain with it. When I finally managed to stop I felt happier and relieved of my pains. I stepped up to the sink to wash my arm but as I did I felt slightly dizzy and black dots appeared before me blocking my vision, next thing I knew my vision was completely black and fell back slipping out of consciousness. Well shit.

I woke up on Anthony's sofa with my sleeves rolled up my neat rows of cuts completely exposed I quickly pulled down my sleeves and jumped when I heard a voice behind me "no point Sophia I've already seen them" Anthony walked around and I sat up, he sat next to me we both quiet for a minute looking for the right words. "why Sophia?" he asked and I looked down ashamed  "I I it's my fault Emily's gone I told Lin and she ran, I promise I only meant to do 5 but I got carried away it's like an addiction I can't seem to stop thats why my realy family hated me." I told him now in tears I expected him to hate me too but he just hugged me "shh sh don't cry it's not your fault and we'll help you through this" he told me and I calmed down still in his arms while he stroked my hair."so what did you tell Lin that caused Emily to flee and get caught?" he asked and I shook my head "it isn't my place to tell you she wouldn't like that" he nodded understandingly and kept stroking my hair comfortingly I fell asleep in his arms, I could tell he was going to be a great father.

Boy was I wrong I woke up on the kitchen floor which was odd for a start, I noticed bottles all over the floor and I followed the trail all the way to the living room where Anthony sat pissed as fuck on the sofa. He turned and looked at me with piercing red eyes. "GET THE FUCK OUT LITTLE SHITTTTTT" he slurred and I was taken aback "w-what?" he got up and walked towards me and kicked me down to the ground, I lay helpless as he relentlessly hit me until I passed out. I woke up again on the sofa with Anthony sat next to me on his phone. I screamed and leapt back off the sofa crying. He looked confused and concerned he walk towards me but I ran and locked myself in the bathroom.

"Sophia? Sophia whats wrong?" he asked which annoyed me "you know what you did!" I said looking down at my bruises. My bruises? There were no bruises there? " I didn't do anything I was just on my phone while you slept" he said frantically I suddenly realised what had happened I must've had a nightmare, it seemed so real but Anthony would never do something like that would he? I quickly unlocked the door and hugged Anthony, he hugged back "what happened?" I cried and told him about the nightmare he seemed shocked and slightly offended. He made some popcorn and we put on the princess and the frog as it was my absolute favourite disney movie.

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